Vermilion update and other misc items.

I’ve just pushed an update for the following products:

This brings the latest features and fixes I mentioned in previous posts to those items, namely.

  • Sit-lock on chaining for items that still lacked it.
  • A better kneeled shuffling animation for the ankle and thigh cuffs.
  • More options to force a leg up with the ankle cuffs, and thigh cuffs when used together and also with one of the belts.
  • More options to force for the stooped pose with neck to belt chains and genital rings (all forward facing rings).
  • PBR compatible clickers and lock proxies (so they are properly invisible when a lock is not equipped).
  • Some additional safeties to prevent the user from getting stuck on self-suspensions (and on relogging).
  • A bunch of errors in the reservation bits that the system uses to track which animations can be used together.

I'll be sitting in bed after that update.
Time to take a painkiller, and bury myself in blankets. I’m actually pretty sick today.

Vergilius Cuff update

I just released a little update for the Vergilius Cuffs (wrist & ankle).

It adds a couple of missing poses, and fixes a handful of mistakes I made (probably a long time ago) related to the reservation bits of some of the poses.

More to come.

Double release! Vergilius elbow and thigh cuffs!

The Vergilius cuff set is now complete!

I really, really like how the beefed-up thigh variant came out, and I’m now wondering if I should add more variants to this set in the future. All the cuffs should be compatible with the existing coloring HUD, so you shouldn’t need to keep more than one copy of it.

Time for some foreshadowing: There is an incoming update for a few of the cuff sets following the changes I’ve made for this release (a few animation-related fixes & improvements)… And spellchecking is back!

As usual, you can grab your very own copy from the KDC Main Store (10% off!) or from the Second Life Marketplace.

Enjoy! 😈

Finishing touches on the Vergilius set

I’ve almost finished the Vergilius elbow and thigh cuffs! Yesterday was a bit of a weird day, I decided to make a spreadsheet with all the animations currently in the system along with a full limb locking allocation table (which also outputs the required bit fields… kind of handy), but I couldn’t concentrate and kept making mistakes or duplicating entries.

I eventually got it, and it allowed me to spot a few configuration errors in some of the bondage pieces that I’m going to fix eventually.

That day ended with a massive indigestion ^_^.

Today I finished the ORM map and LOD models for the thigh cuffs and am in the process of putting everything together in-world. It is all looking great and unless a problem comes up, I should be ready for release in a couple days.

VRChat Cell Block D-5 update and a reminder!

I’ve updated the Cell Block D-5 map so that the warden role can be transferred (and locked), for those cases where the host wants to go AFK. I’ve also done some more work on the language support (Polish/Russian/Ukrainian).

Also, a friendly reminder that you now have less than 12 hours to get the Halloween Specials if you still planned on getting any. The clock is ticking~

Detcord collar update!

Someone just reported a rather nasty bug on the Halloween KDC Detcord Collar, and so I have just pushed out an update that corrects it and brings a few more improvements:

  • Solved a critical bug that allowed to put tape on all the points that are already locked, softlocking them.
  • The collar now prevents the wearer from leashing themselves to something that would be unreachable under RLV restrictions.
  • The chain restriction distance is now a little more generous.
  • Prevents un-sitting from a piece of furniture after being chained to it.
  • Lock breaking message were being sent to the wrong avatar UUID.
  • Fixed the clock zones being slightly visible under PBR rendering.

It is now available through the Dead Realm updater.

Quick thigh cuff low-poly update

My internet connection was down most of Monday, that gave me plenty of distraction-free time during the evening to get the thigh cuff low-poly model made. I’ve mostly worked on the UV Map today, there is still some left, but it is in a very good state.

Only two pictures for today before I forget posting them. I managed to bring the polygon count very close to the elbow cuffs for these, it’s still a bit high, but good enough.

Still need to insert my logo somewhere…

Prison Cell Block D-5 update!

I’ve just pushed a major update to the Cell block D-5 map on VRChat!


  • Script rewrite, again. It shouldn’t change much, but there is less networked scripts overall.
  • Lowered light map resolution, I see no difference personally, but this pushes the map back under the 30Mb mark.
  • Added a bit of a “guard post” next to the isolation cell, just a table with a couple stools.
  • Every instance now has a Warden! Most of the time it will be the instance owner, but in public and group instances, someone else will be selected.
  • The name of the warden is displayed on the wall near the guard post.
  • The Warden has the ability to lock and unlock doors, locked doors cannot be open by any means.
  • You cannot use the respawn menu option to escape cells anymore unless you are the Warden (soft-locking prevention).
  • Everyone spawns in the corridor by default now rather than inside a random cell.
  • Experimental Multi-language support (English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean).

Click here to visit if you have a VRChat account!

Vergilius thigh cuff liner

After bouncing various ideas for the Vergilius thigh cuffs to who cared to listen I ended up conceding to the idea of putting a backing piece.

I had to add a few extra rivets to have some visual fastener between the straps and the liner, but otherwise, I think this is a reasonable match for the rest of the Vergilius set. It does cover the grommet holes, unfortunately.

The shaping around the legs might actually be better for fitting compared to previous sets (I hope). But feel free to tell me that I’m wrong and why ^_^.


Started on the Vergilius thigh cuffs.

I started working on the Vergilius thigh cuffs, and I don’t like them.

I need 3 points on them to be on-part with the two existing sets: inner chain point, outer chain point, and the lock point. Ideally, I’d like to avoid punching holes all around them, but so far, that’s all that appears to work with this style… I also had to pull the inner point more on the front because it did not look right. I also had to rebuild it like, twice because I was using the wrong set of legs… twice?

I’m not sure what I need to change… maybe a backing piece? Despite the fact that it would be the only part of the set with a backing…

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

March 2025