Vanity is delicious

After kicking, screaming and clawing all the way to it, i finally revamped my avatar body and got a new skin, here is the result of the new Kyrah Abattoir “Revision 2010”

How to block facebook, excepted on facebook.

This is a thing that really agravate me, the proliferation of “i like it” buttons and comment windows that ask me to log on facebook, or simply websites that use your facebook session to log you in.

So here is a cure, for those who use any ad blocker compatible with AdblockPlus rules (AdThwart on chrome) simply add the following custom rules:

||*.facebook.*^$|~ ||*$||| ||*$|||~fbc ||*$||| ||*$|||

Those rules will tell your navigator to block anything coming from facebook’s hosts, unless you are actually visiting facebook.

I am on the SecondLife Marketplace !

As usual, filling out those forms and stuffs is a pain in the ass, especially if you want to put proper translations for your products, I can only write properly in french and english, so i filled out German Japanese and Portuguese using google translation… So don’t blame me for the crappy translations 🙂

My opinion of the thing? I like the layout, I like the “related products” footer that’s really nice when you have objects that are part of a while serie or are compatible with eachothers, but i wish it was more convenient , like you could add objects to a “group” and all the members of this group are automatically cycled in the related products. As it stands right now you can only add 8 products (all are visible on the footer) and you have to do it for each and every products.

Right now I won’t add all my colored products because they have a “coming soon” feature that will handle multiple variations of a same item as one, and I do not want to make any extra work on this one.

I’m thinking about dropping the other marketplaces, excepted for freebies, because that’s basically the only thing i ever “Sell” on them. SOmehow peoples browse or Meta-life, but they never have money to spend.

On this point i guess LindenLabs kinda got what they wanted, with their ability to integrate their online shopping experience directly into SecondLife, they pretty much push any competitor out.

Linden Labs… has never anybody taught you that in an economic system, self imposed monopolies tend to be kind of BAD?

Oh well, when you are judge and party things tend to be a bit skewed in your own favor i suppose.

Preparing my return on Xstreet … or is it the marketplace?

Soo, basically the experience i had with the other merchand sites wasn’t really a success, updating 4 sites at the same time is really daunting , and it appears the only things I sell there are the few freebies I offer.

So i’m getting ready for the painful task of getting back all my stuffs on xstreet, and considering it’s becoming the de facto place for shopping in sl (not quite yet beating inworld sales but well…) i’m going to make a real effort this time.

Well aparently it’s a good thing that i’m kind of a slow person, LL decided they would scrape Xstreet for a new system.

Work in progress, isolation noise protectors.

As part of one of my little project AND as a future, soon to be nice and handy RLV enabled item, here are a few early shots of my isolation noise protectors.

  • Worn without my RLV activator they are pretty and fashionable 😀
  • Worn with the activator on a RLV enabled client, they will block all text messages coming to you, the small button allow to toggle reception of Instant messages.
  • The large button toggle the builtin “microphone” that allow your domme, or someone else to temporarly give you back your “hearing”, I say temporarly because it will only last for so long, the little lights ticking down around the button will automatically turn off the microphone if no chat is heard for 30 seconds ( and your own doesn’t count :D)
  • Oh yeah, it’s made so you can’t manipulate it yourself 🙂

Not quite finished, but sooooon 🙂 in an isolation pod near you.

ALso, i might make a more “compact” model for those who prefere discrete earplugs.

Touchbound V3 Released

This update concern the following objects:

  • Lined chrome ankle cuffs.
  • Lined chrome wrist cuffs.
  • Lined chrome collar.

The updated items should be automatically sent the next time you attach them.

Summary of the update:

  • [Chrome ankle cuffs] fixed: Leg animations not halted when sitting.
  • [Base system] fixed: Wrong key is sent when reporting a detach
  • [Base system] updated: Implement llSetPrimitiveParamsFast.
  • [Base system] fixed: Using a key on an unlocked item return the wrong info text

As usual, please report any problems to the KDC bugtracker . And remember to have fun 🙂

Impending Touchbound update

At some point during monday i will release a patch to the touchbound system to bring everything to version 3 of the code, the upcoming changes follow:

  • Overall speed boost when doing click combos.
  • Automatic turn off on force posed animations when sitting to avoid ugly breakages (this won’t stop upperbody animations which shouldn’t cause any problems anyway)
  • Fix on the non RLV detaching prevention, now sending IM to the proper key.

Plus a little bit of ground work to prepare for adding new objets. I need to get back into it.

In one instant, something got very , very wrong…

Maybe some of you noticed but my blog, vendors, etc… stopped working for a comple of days. Today i’m going to tell you what exactly happened:

Sunday evening, June 13:

I Decided after a classic kernel upgrade that i had to reboot the ethernia server briefly, I warned everybody on voice chat, it was supposed to take only a minute or so.

What happened? I’m not entirely sure, somehow in the last 15 days i “broke” something in the system, or maybe it simply was a bad kernel config? To this day i don’t know and i probably will never know. Read the rest of this entry »

Windows 7 and custom shortcuts

I just got this new keyboard working and have been making a few shortcuts triggered by key combinations, like ctrl+Alt+Shift+F12 and the like, and here are a few things I learned that should help everyone doing those kind of things.

  1. The key combo you chose for your shortcut WONT work, or won’t be reloaded on next reboot unless it is sitting in specific folders, like the Start menu folder.
  2. Shortcuts called with key combinations are unexplicably SLOW to start for some reason. But there is an easy fix to this:

The fix for Custom keyboard shortcuts slowness:

  • Open the registry editor Start > Run > Regedit.exe
  • navigate to the following key:

HKLM/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Session Manager

  • right click and choose: New Value > Dword
  • Name the new value “SafeDllSearchMode”
  • Set it’s value to 1
  • Reboot

This fix should remove most of the lag you experience when executing a custom keyboard shortcut.

Game design articles

I finished copying the brainstorming articles i’ve bee writing for the torquepowered community, they now are with my other articles, i also ordered everything neatly in categories.

They are pretty dense text packages so you better enjoy reading my broken english ^_^

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

September 2024