Archive for September 5th, 2024
Prison Cell Block D-5 update!

I’ve finally updated the Prison Cell Block D-5!
Nothing major, but there are some improvements and additions:
- The world has (finally) been updated to Unity 2022.3.22f1.
- Fixed the reflection probe problem at the end of the corridor.
- Fixed post processing & color grading.
- Rebuilt all the light probe groups I accidentally broke 2 years ago.
- The cell facing isolation has been upgraded to a secure observation cell with polycarbonate panels.
- All the cells have been renumbered, the lettering has been softened to blend in better.
- Door logic has been completely rewritten, rookie mistakes have been fixed, and everything now responds much faster (from 4 seconds to ~1 second for clients).
- Colliders and seats are finally disabled by default.
- An ambient droning sound fills the silence.
- Corrected the plumbing used by low and high security cells.
Added thin mattresses to the small cells for (slightly) improved living conditions.