KDC Isolation headphones released!

I have to admit, it took me quite a while (way too long actually) to finish this product, sooo here it is.

It’s basically a complementary object to my stuffed ballgag. the ballgag prevent you to talk, the isolation headphones prevent you to hear.

  • It’s obviously RLV enabled (otherwise it wouldn’t really work)
  • It has sounds, to put it on/off, buttons click, locks… lock.
  • The main chat button has a circular timer that ticks down when enabled.
  • For those who NEED their ability to receive IMs (like if you are a content creator) there is a way to “disable” the IM blocking feature.
  • It can be worn around the neck, and peoples can put it over your head in one click.
  • It can be locked (this part took me a LONG time, trying tofigure out an elegant and somewhat believeable method to do so)
  • The hud is AWESOME (my best HUD so far) with a full RGB color selector (I think I will extend it to my chrome product line)
If you want more precise informations, the wiki page is up at the following URL:
It’s available on the marketplace:

Stuffed ballgag update

I made a small update for the stuffed ballgag, in preparation to a new product (they share some code, but i will spare you the specificities of how i work).

Update details:

  • Primcount of the gag goes down from 35 to 19 (removal of the ‘ghost’ copy)
  • The “in mouth” and “around the neck” positions are now handled by the gag position itself instead of having multiple objects.
  • Each position of the gag can be adjusted to your liking, simply move the gag where you want it to be while it is in the proper state and it will use this position for the current state the next time.
This allow you to put it pretty much anywhere if you need a specific configuration or have a head that encountered fitting issues with my products.
The update should be automatically dispatched by the auto updater.

A touch of style, the fetish maid

This is an ensemble i’ve put together with several KDC products and a few from other designers (and a lot of inputs from friends) the idea was to put together a maid uniform suitable for a fetish environment while keeping a certain “prim and proper” look rather than going into a tarty stereotype.

I hope this will give peoples some inspiration, some elements are using the same attachment point so you will probably need a viewer 2.0 if you want to achieve a simmilar look.

Products used:

  • KDC Rubber Housekeeper (black).
  • KDC Leather peekaboo.
  • KDC lined chrome ankle cuffs.
  • KDC fur lined cuffs (I tinted the little fur bits in white).
  • Black hot heart pumps ,made by Freyr Darkstone.
  • Nimue haircut from Maitreya (Charcoal)

Little status update

I haven’t done much the past 10 days, between being away from home and having to deal with minor Real Life issues.

I’m planning to work more on the chore system, but i also would like to move TouchBound forward, and because of this I’m open for advice. To all those who use/used and like the system.

As a little recap, here is all i have made so far for the TouchBound system:

What kind of product should i release using the TouchBound system?

  • New cuff types ? (I’ve really been tempted on this simply because I love pretty cuffs)
  • New kind of objects to add more interactions?
  • Anything else?
I am really open to suggestions so go wild, even completely crazy.

Stuffed ballgag update

There has been a little packaging error with the stuffed ballgag causing it to be nocopy nomod notrans, the  new version with fixed permissions should be sent to you next time you attach it.

Housekeeping uniform, upgraded & improved

Sorry for the lack of update for January, I was busy.

This has been irking me for a little while, the seams on the skirt of the housekeeping uniform where off. That and I also wanted to try a few tweaks on the latex, I also wanted to create a few striped styles so this is done.

so that means 5 new striped styles and  a general improvement for the other styles. Updates are free, as usual.

Some peoples don’t seems to ‘get’ sculpted prims.

I’m a prim sculptor myself, but sometimes I buy things because it’s faster for me to get something partially ready for my use and then tweak it to my needs rather than starting from scratch, especially when I’m only decorating my home in SL and not going to make a cent from it.

Anyway… I was browsing for a nice dining room set, there are a couple on the marketplace that appears to be quite nice, yet when I look at the primcount I almost wonder why those people even bother making sculpts.

Bottom line:

If you are making a sculpted chair and it still comes up as 19 prims, you are doing something really wrong and probably shouldn’t use sculpted prims in the first place.

One of the main advantages of using sculpted prims is to get similar/more details for a lower prim cost, and that’s what , as a customer, I am looking for.

KDC Institutional Straitjacket 1.3.1

I had to do a small adjustment of the minimum RLV version check because at the time of writing this, Phoenix is using a slightly lower version number for RLV ( ) everything should work now.

Thank you Skills Hak for pointing this out!

KDC Institutional Straitjacket 1.3

I just released an update to the KDC Institutional Straitjacket, as usual just contact me for getting your updated version and get back your leather texture pack (for those who own it) before deleting your old one.

Changes in 1.3:

  • Added support for Display names in texts.
  • Added support for User names along with Legacy names for the whitelist format.
  • Changed notecard permissions to fullperm to avoid problems with access list change detection.
  • Fixed the RLV lock to be “attachment bump” proof.
  • Removed cooldown cancelling if you tried to free yourself before the time is up (it only tells you that you are too tired now)
  • Added automatic edit prevention when using the RLV locking.
  • Modified the whitelist parsing so it ignore whitelist modifications when tied up.
  • New chest invisible prims with better coverage.
  • Removed an unneeded script.
NOTE: The leather texture pack was packaged in a previous version by error, this is fixed now. (For those who profited of the mistake, consider it a gift ^_^ )

as usual all this can also be found in the up to date documentation

Some work done on the library

I made proper shelving for the manor’s library, now we only have to add a few furnitures and maybe replace the tables and this room should be done. Akari is going to write us a nice book database, should someone want to actually use this room.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

September 2024