I wrote a thing to control sex toys from SL…

Well, I did not write the entire thing, it depends on the buttplug project, for all the important stuff.

It essentially allows you to run a mini web server that can be interacted with from Second Life (http requests)

The project is written in c# dotnet core and also includes a couple of LSL examples on how to interface with it.

The sourcecode and documentation can be found here:


The Avara Hood “Ghoul” addon is out!

Suprise release!

Right on time for Halloween parties! Little evil imps like me can go party in style this year ^_^

As last year, the other specials are available again for a limited time, and will disappear into the night once again in a month!

As usual, you can find those at the KDC Main Store (10% off!), or on my Second Life Marketplace, and if you are one of my Patreon supporters, these items are yours!

Happy Halloween and enjoy!

The Classic Leather Collar is out!

And right on time before I start to feel the pressure for a halloween project too!

It has all the standard features you expect from a TouchBound collar, RLV locking, chains, suspension, etc…

It’s an intermediary step between my posture collars and thinner models, such as the pet collar, or the shock collar, still fairly comfortable looking but definitely “controlled”.

It comes with a texture HUD (standard 8 leather + 8 stitching + backing & padding) and configurable studs (like the pet collar and tassanee).

As usual, you can find it at the KDC Main Store (cheaper too!), or on the SecondLife Marketplace. Enjoy! 🙂

Almost done with the collar HUD!

I’m trying something different for this one, in line with the meat market set’s decorative rings, there is a handy little button row for setting your prefered stud configuration. But you can also load presets, same as my other items that have this feature.

It’s functional, I started fresh code-wise and it took me most of the evening to get it done. The HUD texture isn’t 100% final yet and I’m sure there are issues here and there that need fixing.

KDC Paw Mittens V16 update!

I am so sorry for releasing another update this quickly but when I removed the chain slack on suspensions I didn’t do it right and as a result, it would create taut chains when it shouldn’t.

This isn’t a critical update, but I still recommend it.

Final uploads done!

Or well, final until I see yet another problem (hopefully not!)

Big picture gallery today, you can see my 4 lods, from the most detailed to the donut… thing (that still looks enough like a collar). I could have gone lower but I got the complexity roughly where I wanted it.

And a few examples of texture and stud configuration 🙂

Slow rendering…

I don’t have anything to show for today’s update, I’ve been rendering textures for the past ~20 hours or so, before doing this I fixed a bunch of issues with the specular maps and had another color matching pass. I’m sure there was a way to speed up those renders and keep the quality but that will be for another project.

I’m almost certain that those textures don’t have any problems and that I’m not gonna have to do this again (I restarted 3 times overnight already).

Fingers crossed 😀

In-World texture testing

Posting this quickly for today’s update because it will be tomorrow in 30 minutes :3

I’m not entirely happy with the texture definition, I’m probably gonna roll with it, but I’m currently trying to render at 4x resolution to see if I can get it to look any better.

in-world collar test!

I was initially gonna re-use the rings that the vermilion collar uses, but they are a bit too skinny at this size so I made a new one that is a bit smaller and chunkier. I would have used the ones on the pet collar but they aren’t separate pieces for some reason.

In-world it looks a bit bland at the moment I guess, but textures will change that.

I’m still thinking of adding configurable studs, because reasons.

Yes, second update post of the day.

I should have posted yesterday but I missed the deadline. I also didn’t have anything nice to show.

I’ve been color-matching the new leather to the old pieces to the best of my abilities. I’m not gonna claim that it is identical, or perfect but it looks pretty close to the “Classic Leather” feel… I think?

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

September 2024