Some more pet projects…

I’ve been a bit away from sl those days, short of some social interaction, i didn’t feel like building, or well… scripting.

I’ve spent some time working on a new pet project of mine, wich is my personal gamemode for Gmod, for those who don’t know Gmod, it’s some kind of very flexible sandbox game built on the HL2/Source engine.

It’s not SL, but it’s different, in many way it’s more powerfull creation wise.

Well enough talk, here are a couple of screenshots that show what i’ve been up to.



Some more skinning …
The language is called lua, it’s not the first time i see it and it’s quite different from LSL and PHP and in many ways more powerful.

The code is split into a server, a client part, and a shared part. The client part is just a dream to work with when making interfaces and fullscreen effects compared to SL.

I’m not even going to mention the word “SHADER” compared to SL when making models and materials for them.

Don’t worry everyone, i’m not planning to leave SL just yet, but … i’m trying to broaden my horizon, and generally get my head out of SL so i start having good ideas again.

New graphic card

Bought myself a new toy, GEFORCE GTX275, it was a pretty decent price, it’s not really a big performance boost i think but i was getting sick of ati cards.

Long silence & security breach

Well well i hope i will manage to sleep tonight, the whole kdc vendor network bugged itself in the middle of the afternoon after some guy tried (and succeeded) executing his code on my server through a joomla exploit, wich allowed him to, I assume, escalate privileges to root on my dated kernel using, yet another exploit.

That’s the second breach in the same joomla installation in two weeks but this time it really gave me cold sweats.

The said installation is completely disabled now until it’s owner either patch the exploit or get away with joomla altogether.

Well if you wanted a reason not to use joomla -_-

Everything else is back, up and running…

… for now.

Desert view


A very nice test of far distance landscape using layered sculpted megaprims, with shadows. Who would have guessed that far distance look very interesting with a subtle GLOW ?

Hey i’m on twitter by the way.

I may not be as prolific as Prokofy but my signal to noise ratio is MUCH better 🙂

Medium bug fix on the KDC Institutional Straitjacket

version 1.0 -> 1.1
There was a small bug with the whitelist refresh wich made it basically never refresh properly, well PM me for the update.

version 1.0 -> 1.1

There was a small bug with the whitelist refresh wich made it basically never refresh properly, well PM me for the update.

SJ Leather Texture pack released

It’s out, a nice texture pack for those that where kinda disapointed about my straitjacket and wished for a more kinky feel, now you can curl yourself in grainy, shiny leather 🙂

Enjoy 🙂

KDC Institutional SJ-LeatherPack

As usual, available from my shop, or the Dead realm shop directly in SL.

Rusty slave stuff

I have always had an interest in metal bondage stuff that looks like it’s old and used, with a little bit of “crudeness” too, a bit like slave shackles from the slavery time.

Here is a collar i made in this style, it’s kind of nice but imnot sure about it.

I would like some people’s opinion, would you like to see more stuffs like this? and if yes, what?

rustcollar & Bitlet plugin

Openbittorrent is a pretty cool thingie, basically it’s an open access bittorrent tracker, however it has no “torrent upload” or search engine interface, since all files on a tracker are hashed, the tracker has no way to know what it is indexing.

This article is also a test of the bitlet web based torrent downloader. You can try to download it, it’s only a small kernel file for my phone, virus free and legal you can Download it using the java bitlet downloader.

Download the torrent file HERE

Read the rest of this entry »

House: 3rd floor and roof


I did some serious crunching the past days, the 3rd floor is 95% complete with doors, labels,  also the roof is in place and most of the exterior walls are lined up.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

September 2024