Trains, nipple rings and blindfolds

I will try to keep this brief. I rebuilt the train signals over the weekend and added dwarf signals to the Dead Realm railway.


I also pushed a small update to the KDC Nipple rings: First, a simple code patch and second, you should now get a second set called “light” that only have the captive bead/RLV locking, no chaining, padlocking or accessories. You will receive both either ways.

Next: I started working on a blindfold project that will be part of a small set of items I’ve wanted to create for a little while. I’ve settled for a “disc type” of blindfold, I can still change my mind if I end up hating it. So far… it does look like a really terrible attempt at sunglasses, but it will get better (I hope)!

Dead Realm asylum due for teardown on friday.

On Friday the 13th of March 2015 i will send the Dead Realm asylum to its final resting place. I started this build around July 2008 with the help of Ishy for the floor plan. A hiatus of several years led us to a rebuild attempt in March 2011. Since then it has been sitting there. The only areas that where ever completed where the low and high security cells which remained pretty much the same through the existence of the building.

In retrospective I believe that I simply tried to do “too much” and gave up on all these room ideas that I wasn’t really interested in. The point of the building was the various cells and it should have been the main focus.

Click here to teleport!

If you are interested in backup copies of some of the rooms (do not ask me for the entire building) just IM me inworld and I’ll see what I can do.

Things over the weekend.

I started the remodeling of dead realm! I built the track models and worked some more on a house during the week. I finally gave in and nuked the sandbox from orbit ( It’s still there, but in a much abbreviated form). About a third to half of the track work is laid. There is a couple of steep grades but nothing I can really do about them. I wrote the switch code from scratch and it ‘should” be 100% SLRR compliant, there is a few rough spots i still need to deal with, mostly with the “spring back” train detectors being a little slow/blind.

In the meantime, Shigeko has found some inspiration that had to  be crystallized into a build…



Messed up the collar remote perms

If you bough the Classic shock collar/remote before 02/28/2015 at 3:13pm PST you might have noticed that the remotes where notransfer. IM me and I’ll send you a transferable replacement, sorry about that!

Classic shock collar released, at last.

There we are, after… more than a month? The classic shock collar is out, it has all the standard collar features with the addition of a shock box that can be remotely triggered with the provided remote (or simply send a warning ping to the wearer) and an “anti barking” feature that will quickly teach your sub that you prefer peace and quiet. 🙂


As usual, you can get this product from the KDC Main shop in Dead Realm, from the Secondlife Marketplace and also from the PrimBay.

Enjoy 🙂

Remotes and zappy animations

Been very busy again, is now ready for IPV6, I made some blueprints to eventually remodel the Dead Realm region (again!) And I had to move all the shock box code back into a separate script, because as I suspected: Out of memory! I got the shock effect pretty much like I wanted, the screen scramble as you get shocked, you are also prevented to move for the duration of the shock and there is a rather… discrete animation playing along with appropriate sound effects and a little bit of light.

And i just noticed that I forgot to put the facial expression.

I can see the end of the tunnel! I also started a quick model for the remote, something really simple…

I should be finished either today or tomorrow.

Lots of code…

I do not remember writing this much code in a mere 5 days… I spent my weekend writing some pretty difficult stuff for a “to be announced” secret project, it was pretty interesting… but that’s gonna be a story for another time.

Collar wise, I moved all the stub code that I wrote into the main collar module, I have a way to set/reset the radio frequency, the toggle switch for the bark detector work too, the lid locks in place and prevent using what’s inside while it’s closed. Good stuff.

What’s left to do really is to come up with a suitable shock effect, sounds, animations, a good rule set for the bark detector, get the LEDs to turn on/off and make some kind of remote.

Model completed!

Yes, finally 🙂

I should have posted Monday for some progress but I forgot… also on Tuesday. Today’s update will be a little picture heavy, all the textures are done, I also managed to squeeze in some extra texture optimization. Script wise, the HUD is done, the basic TB scripting is functional and I have “some” shock box specific scripting done. It’s getting there, it’s getting there…


The … great unwrapping?

I’m running out of ideas for catchy titles, can you tell? 😀 . Good progress today, the low polygon model is fully unwrapped and tightly packed on a single texture sheet.

Which means it’s texturing time 🙂

The great merge

For some reason I’m second guessing myself constantly these days. I completely fused the collar and the shock box, simplified a bunch of areas where they meet (maybe too much…) it STILL weight 4898 triangles for some reason, and frankly, I do not see anything that i can safely remove anymore. I will blame the fact that it’s a complicated model with moving parts and internal elements.

I could probably have gotten away with a less aggressive polygon reduction, I can still change my mind and go back to an earlier version obviously.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

September 2024