Archive for the ‘Code Stuffs’ Category

More slave shackle work

More progress on the slave shackle project!

I didn’t take a lot of pictures early on but I am quite impressed with what I’ve been able to do with the material. It’s one of those cases where you don’t want to know how the sausage is made I guess. It’s just weird that it looks so good for what it is.

I included the very first version of the material, which looked very “meh”. I’m usually bad with the “true color” of things and tend to make them a little too gray or black.

Super happy with the distressed look, the wear, and all the little dents that are covering the outer edges. I tried adding a concave bevel around the edge; A bit like a grinder would leave behind, but anything I do to that edge seems to make the cuffs look slimmer, and also removes most of the dents, so I’m going to leave it as is. I also made a version with a simpler interlocking hinge design, not sure which one to include in the final model. The simpler version makes “more” sense for this design but obviously doesn’t look as intricate.

Finally, I’m coding some sort of generic “auction” system. I’m not sure what I’m going to use it for yet, it’s just a prototype. I’ve spent most of my time on this little project trying to generate “pretty” bidding intervals.

Not much to report, sadly

What an embarassing update… I don’t have much to report today. All I can show is a tiny bit of low-poly work on the skin suit, and that’s not even what i should be working on at this time but that’s all I could muster.

Last night I did spend quite a bit of time on the beta grid to try the new Luau scripting environment. It’s interesting in a few ways: It seem quite fast, and I did a few object-oriented programming tests that could be useful in the future. I’m really rusty on Lua-scripting (the last time I did was in the early days of Gmod10) but it is certainly promising. The big issue might be when it comes to weird LSL quirks not being entirely handled by the Lua VM but they do map one to the other quite well.

I couldn’t do any memory usage tests as the functions appear to return fixed values.

I don’t see how they are going to allow client-side scripting in a way that is actually useful beyond client mods, but we’ll see.

Shock collar update almost ready to release

I think I’m pretty much done with the shock collar update, if the function is enabled you will get a fairly informative addition to the frequency menu that allows to reload & clear the shocker configuration. It also contains a brief summary of the intensity/duration settings (and links to the two supported services obviously).

The manual is already included in the TouchBound clickable zone menus so I did not feel the need to also have it here. The configuration options will only be available to the collar wearer, that goes without saying, but if another user is configuring the collar frequency, they will see the current settings. All this will be locked out when the collar is locked, as before.

I’ve also added a mandatory cooldown that forces a pause equal to the duration of the last shock, just as a spam/safety. It only affects the RL hardware shocker function, the normal shock function remains unchanged.

Because when I created the shock collar I only added a configurable duration, I adding configurable boundaries for both shock intensity and length. This way you can set a fixed duration/intensity, regardless of the shock length, or you can configure it to adjust strength and/or shock duration according to the shock length supplied by the remote.

Lastly, I’ve been playing with a really rough idea for a “simple” new collar/cuff set. I believe that it has some potential… But I have other things I should focus on.

Productive Monday?

I’ve bulked up the collar and built a double side-closure which i think looks good enough (that was last week tho). I also worked on the gloves for the outfit, I’ve put the WIP pictures in black because in white you couldn’t see anything. It isn’t that much better really…

Today I did some reasonable progress on the “shocker service” code for the coming shock collar update. Mostly configuration card parsing and all the error handling it requires. Tedious stuff.

Belt and collar today.

I’ll try to do some more before I have to leave for Christmas, but if I don’t these will be the last updates of 2024.

Main changes are the support for sit-lock on both products, PBR friendly transparency on the bolts, locks, etc… and support for the extra poses for thigh cuffs (belt) and genital rings (collar). And a handful of small bugs and configuration issues that crept up over the years.

Happy holidays everyone ❤️

Finishing touches on the Vergilius set

I’ve almost finished the Vergilius elbow and thigh cuffs! Yesterday was a bit of a weird day, I decided to make a spreadsheet with all the animations currently in the system along with a full limb locking allocation table (which also outputs the required bit fields… kind of handy), but I couldn’t concentrate and kept making mistakes or duplicating entries.

I eventually got it, and it allowed me to spot a few configuration errors in some of the bondage pieces that I’m going to fix eventually.

That day ended with a massive indigestion ^_^.

Today I finished the ORM map and LOD models for the thigh cuffs and am in the process of putting everything together in-world. It is all looking great and unless a problem comes up, I should be ready for release in a couple days.

Detcord collar update!

Someone just reported a rather nasty bug on the Halloween KDC Detcord Collar, and so I have just pushed out an update that corrects it and brings a few more improvements:

  • Solved a critical bug that allowed to put tape on all the points that are already locked, softlocking them.
  • The collar now prevents the wearer from leashing themselves to something that would be unreachable under RLV restrictions.
  • The chain restriction distance is now a little more generous.
  • Prevents un-sitting from a piece of furniture after being chained to it.
  • Lock breaking message were being sent to the wrong avatar UUID.
  • Fixed the clock zones being slightly visible under PBR rendering.

It is now available through the Dead Realm updater.

Small Cell block D-5 update

I’ve added one of my live (web) terminals near the little table of the Cell block D-5. It does two functions at the moment:

  • Visitors are listed next to their permanent serial number (if you want to role-play with those)
  • It indicates uniform compliance (NONE/PARTIAL/FULL), this only works with the KDC Prisoner Uniform “regulation” version (from the box of extras).
  • If the regulation uniform is detected it will automatically be configured: Serial numbers & a blue color scheme.
  • The uniform color will have a random amount of wear & discoloration. For… realism? It was fun to add.

This uses the facility script system that is included in the Prisoner’s Uniform package, so this is really just an example of the kind of things you can do with it.

Someone suggested that there should also be a uniquely shaped hex key on the table, one that wouldn’t be available anywhere else. But is that a good idea?

Cell Block D-5… in Second Life?

Someone complained about Cell Block D-5 being a VRChat-only location, so I took it as a bit of an exercise to convert all the prison cell assets to PBR materials, this is the result.

It will be publicly accessible from the KDC Store elevator once I’m done with it. It is a bit of an experiment, and will be a stand-in, until I can get the “full” underground prison project to completion.

I’ve started working on a potential lock & key add-on: A key chain that can be linked to them, allowing public locks and keys to be picked up and dropped. I know 3rd party creators have already come up with creative solutions for key/lock access control, but I like this idea, and I believe it will add to the system as a whole.

Because of this I’m also reworking some parts of the lock & key system to be able to “reserve” a lock, or a key to a specific user for example.

Prison Cell Block D-5 update!

Prison Cell Block D-5
I’ve finally updated the Prison Cell Block D-5!

Nothing major, but there are some improvements and additions:

  • The world has (finally) been updated to Unity 2022.3.22f1.
  • Fixed the reflection probe problem at the end of the corridor.
  • Fixed post processing & color grading.
  • Rebuilt all the light probe groups I accidentally broke 2 years ago.
  • The cell facing isolation has been upgraded to a secure observation cell with polycarbonate panels.
  • All the cells have been renumbered, the lettering has been softened to blend in better.
  • Door logic has been completely rewritten, rookie mistakes have been fixed, and everything now responds much faster (from 4 seconds to ~1 second for clients).
  • Colliders and seats are finally disabled by default.
  • An ambient droning sound fills the silence.
  • Corrected the plumbing used by low and high security cells.
    Added thin mattresses to the small cells for (slightly) improved living conditions.

Enjoy ^_^
Click here to visit this world on VRChat.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

March 2025