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Cell floor design
I finally got around to make some kind of texture for the floor trim, and to work more on the cell floor design. Since the very start I had in mind the idea of a “classic” tatami flooring as an option (wouldn’t be suitable for supermax obviously). Overall, I am very pleased with how it eventually turned out, given that I made them completely from scratch.
Don’t worry, the “normal” floor style is not going to go away.
I have also added in today’s blog update a quick idea for some potential floor markings. I would love to know your opinions on what else I could add (not “too specific” things obviously).
It is finally starting to look complete 😀
Cell door final textures: return of the KDC text engine.
And another part of the cell project is complete. I’ve just finished re-rendering the cell door textures and am considering them to be final at this point.
All the models are final too, with proper LOD versions and colliders (I finally figured how to make offset colliders). I also decided to use the spare “face” of the door to put a configurable text engine on it, because why not?
It uses the simplified alphabet that my nameplate system uses, and so you won’t get fancy symbols. It should be good enough to put cell numbers, block denominations, things of that order.
13 different parts and 7 Land impact so far, including the required lock proxies, there is only a few more things that I need to finish before I can move on to the furnitures.
Cell door progress!
Cell door progress woo!
I’ve now gone through round after round after round of texture tests.
There is a limited amount of detail I can add on such a large piece without blowing the texture budget and it also had to be tintable.
…Or at least tint-friendly?
I’ve added a bunch of little normal mapped details here and there:
- Rivets on the front and back.
- Friction reduction rails on the window shutter path.
- Ribs on the shutter itself.
- Grip-style latch on the shutter handle.
- Indentations on the door edge where the deadbolts retract.
- Dishing on the backside of the shutter… because why not.
- You can also pick between glass or bars on the window opening.
Furthermore, the actual texture is “light” enough to be color matched with the cell framing beams and can support a fairly wide range of colors through tinting.
In all honesty, I’m probably forgetting some things, I always do 😛
Isolation Headphones update!
I’ve just pushed a new update for the KDC Isolation Headphones!
Beside a bunch of small fixes (that I can’t really remember), the main addition is a new configuration flag card:
- cfg_LockableIMButton
It allows to adjust the default behavior of the IM toggle button to prevent people from toggling it once the headphones are locked. This is a fairly “niche” feature, but it might make the headphones more practical to use for some.
As usual, you should receive a notification from the auto-updater shortly.
I’ve also updated the Instruction Manual, so you can get more details about this new feature there.
Back to the prison cell project!
After a much needed mini end-of-year holiday, I am back to work. Which means: back on the prison cell project.
I initially hoped that I would be able to cram everything into a half-width texture, but it wouldn’t fit. At least on a full-size, I know that all the parts should fit.
I’m not going to put anything into the window/hatch spaces because I intent on keeping those “black” for the lowest lod (when the door is merely a cube).
The hatches will also share the same texture area. Other than that, there isn’t going to be much UV recycling.
It probably won’t matter but I’m trying to do some pixel perfect snapping in the UV edges in order to see if I can make them as seamless as possible.
I also had an idea on how to get more value out of the prisoner uniform. The last picture is a quick mockup of a “conversion” to a japanese/korean style uniform, tell me what you think!
TouchBound wrist cuffs hotfix!
This one is on me again, I made a mistake during last round of update and forgot to package two left wrist cuff animations (left cuff to collar left/right ring).
So unfortunately, it is update time again, wrist cuff hotfix time:
- AI Basic wrist cuffs.
- ER Chrome wrist cuffs.
- Classic leather wrist cuffs.
- Heavy Metal wrist cuffs.
- Laminated wrist cuffs.
- Lined Chrome wrist cuffs.
- Meat Market wrist cuffs.
- Paw Mittens.
- Vermilion wrist cuffs.
Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience.
And 2020 is finally drawing to a close.
I’m not sure how I feel about this year…
Granted we all have the excuse that it was a very “special” year. In a way it is also not an excuse.
I don’t know what to think of the work I’ve done this year, on one hand, I did release a few good items, but on the other I could probably have done more? I’ve neglected the Patreon stuff quite a bit, and did close to no work at all on my game.
In my defence, I guess 2020 was the year of “product updates & experimentation”, and I’m not saying that JUST for the more recent stuff 😛
So let’s all sit back, relax, and have a comfy new year celebration. Next year will be better. Next year I’ll do better.
See you all on the other side!
Merry X-Mas to everyone!
I will be away for a few days to spend some time with family members that I haven’t seen for a long time, specifically my mother and father. Don’t worry about me, I will take all the precautions that the pandemic requires and there won’t be too many people there.
Don’t forget to have a little bit of fun all of you out there ^_^.
Be safe!
The cell door is actually taking shape!
I am REALLY happy with how it is turning out. I’ve finally solved the TouchBound “padlock” issue that I was stuck with for a while now, I’ve basically extended the recess used for the handle OUTSIDE the shrouding, it makes the sliding bar mecanism more visible.
I have also added two more deadbolts that will be visible on the side when the cell door is opening/closing. Absolutely overkill? I know. But I’ve seen firefighters kick those corners with steel toed boots to great effect. And it justifies adding those little rivet details for the texture on both sides. It makes the back less plain since I removed one of the panels there.
The hatches also have handles now and a sort of spring loaded catch (I’m not gonna animate that obviously) and while more locks would be the right approach, I didn’t want something that would be complicated to animate during opening.
(Ignore the glass and bars being in eachothers, they are options, not ment to be visible at the same time)
High-poly uniform and door stuff
Got the uniform completed and all imported in Blender (fits like a glove, so far). I ended up ditching all the stitches, it was cool but a bit buggy.. and in general a poly hog so I’m gonna have to re-introduce those using a simple bump map.
Cell wise, there has been SOME progress, I finally settled on a window with a vertical shutter and I’ve tried to get some material stuff going on with it.
Hoping to get the new bevel shader to do some magic here, but I’m not sure which color (or colors) to assort it with the rest.