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Raider harness gag update!

Small fix to the Raider Harness gag! Corrects a bug preventing the welding station from unlocking the gag if it was locked in the down position.

It only affects the core script so you can swap it out to avoid re-fitting the entire gag.

I’ve also updated the Warden Straitjacket demo and added the flat chest variant to it.

Side-ties, and more weightpainting.

The side-ties turned out to be really annoying to weight-paint properly but I eventually got them to work. I’ve also improved the weighting situation with the crotch. the centerline is still a bit problematic but it shouldn’t be too visible.

I also need to remember that the side ties should be their own face, so they can be hidden, for variety, but also to reduce clipping risks on outfits.

Some adjustment & weight painting

I’ve done some progress on the weight painting, but also ended up adjusting the thing strap geometry to match the topology of the legs and reduce the likelihood of having it clip through the body.

The last picture was a quick in-world test with really bad weighting, just to check that the precision issue I had earlier is gone.

Setbacks on the bikini project

And here I thought I was being productive 😀 Turns out I’m having a few problems with the bikini project >_<

I was doing some test weight painting yesterday and after a couple of mismatched test uploads, it dawned on me that I made two huge rookie mistakes:

  • I decided to use a custom shape rather than the stock shape for my reference which causes alignment/proportion errors in-world.
  • My straps all go through a part of the leg that is designed to collapse on itself when the legs are spread, it is literally not possible for me to weight paint something to stay “above” the body in this location.

I thought about lattice-ing the mesh back in place but it wouldn’t solve the strap placement issue so I decided to try my best at re-creating it all. Not really from scratch, but close.

A few “before & after” pictures, I know it doesn’t look like much changed besides the lighting, but the straps ride quite a bit higher. I did manage to reuse the crease work that I did, I haven’t decided if I want to redo those yet.

This is going to take a little while…

I feel pretty stupid about it, it is such a waste of time and I should know better right?

Happy spooktober! the Detcord Collar is out!

When the Major showed us this little “trick” we were both amazed by its simplicity, repulsed by its deviousness, and deeply concerned about the Major’s past assignments before his transfer.

Surely there was no chance for those vampires to escape containment this time…

The past two weeks were such a massive crunch getting everything ready in time for my “official” Halloween deadline. I was gonna post a little update yesterday due to some unexpected feature-creep I wanted to show off, but I ended up finishing deep into the night and it just wasn’t worth doing since I was going to post today anyway.

Without further due, a quick little feature breakdown:

  • Cuff binding poses, suspension, locking, accessories, the usual for a TB compatible item.
  • A completely new “main lock”, using the provided roll of tape, you can “wrap” the main locking point shut.
  • You can add more tape, as much as you want in fact.
  • All you need to unlock is to use the tape cutter and cut off each layer, one by one (time-consuming?).
  • Posing, suspensions & ‘normal’ chaining are done using the chain link that hangs from the detcord.
  • You can chain from the end of the M81 igniter too, but it actually is a pull-trigger, don’t try to pull on that leash or…

The explosion effect has a few configuration flags so you can turn it off completely, or change the “death” duration/severity.

As with previous years, my past Halloween projects are also rising from the grave!

And as with previous years, the Halloween projects are only available from October 15th to November 15th (Patreon supporters can get them all for free all year long)

As usual, you can pick those from the KDC Main Store, or from the SecondLife Marketplace.

Happy Halloween everyone!

Low-poly, unwrapping & textures

Low-poly, unwrapping & textures are done! I’m really trying to put down as much work as possible to get this project complete in time, only 3 days left if I want to stay on my regular Halloween schedule. Unwrapping was relatively quick, there isn’t anything really tricky here, and thanks to the amazing UV Pack Master 2 Pro, getting everything laid out with maximum texture usage efficiency only took a couple of minutes ( I hate payware addons but if there is one that is worth buying for Blender, that’s the one ).

I’ve finished the low-polygon model over the weekend, unwrapped everything on Monday & did the textures & in-world tests today. I ended up adding this chain link for… no real reason other than the fact it looked like it belong here. I’ll probably make it work as a standard front-collar chaining point, you know, one with no explosions…

It is more than likely that I will use some sort of soft-locking like the muzzle plugs. Unless someone can convince me to make something more complex… which can be completed with what little time I have left.

I still need to finalize the models & make LODs for them, that’s the plan for tomorrow… or tonight?

Halloween project progress!

Halloween project progress! I’ve spent the better part of yesterday redoing the tape in multiple widths before deciding to go with a simple 1cm wide reference, basically the same width as electrical tape, any other size ended up so big that I couldn’t make it look good. Might even be a bit realistic given that you would “have” to pass the whole roll behind the collar and the neck.

I also did further tweaking on the det-cord, shock tube & blasting cap, I adjusted the igniter to match my reference diagrams and did some really simple temporary textures for the cord itself.

New Halloween project on the way!

It is October! Spooktober! And even Locktober for some, which means only one thing: Time for a Halloween project!

Time to give my regular schedule a little break and to work on something fitting for the season (and the only event of the year that I actually dare to make something for).

This year’s project is a little weirder and gruesome than my past Halloween ones…

Is this a collar? What’s up with the crude, hand-made construction? Duck tape? Detonating cord? Oh no… Kyrah… What are you doing…

Late night micro-bikini update

Looks like I couldn’t post this micro-bikini update before midnight… oh well.

I’ve detailed the little fabric “patch” on the back of the panties a little bit. I’m also reshaping the “string” piece on both variants to get it deeper between the buttcheeks.

That’s a pretty big gap between the back of the panties and the buttcrack. I’m not sure that you should be able to carry a shot glass there…

I’ve messed up the UV map on the “strap” version so I’m also fixing that.

Creasing & detailing.

Onto creasing & detailing since I finally have an excuse to test Blender’s sculpting tools. I am fairly impressed by the result so far. The “undo” brush and the smear displacement brush are especially useful.

(I really need to store my tablet together with the last mini-USB cable I have left…)

I was sick yesterday so today’s update is a bit light, mainly the creasing but I’ve also normal mapped the “crotch strap” variant and the remaining bows.

I tried to add a fabric weave but it did not look very good so I ended up removing it. I can always set my renders to “fast” if I want some grain 😛

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

March 2025