Archive for September, 2024

Prison Cell Block D-5 update!

This update brings the padded cells & the pipework additions that I did for Second Life, to the Prison Cell Block D-5 in VRChat. Enjoy~

Important fix for the MixMaster!

MixMaster bartending system
I just released an important fix for the MixMaster, you should get it as soon as possible!

It turns out that the way I wrote the timing system for drink mixing led to progressively worse and worse timing, the longer the machine was rezzed, until it eventually would completely skip the “mix” stage, leading to a lot of failed drinks.

I am deeply sorry to everyone that ended up frustrated by the bartending system as a result. The update is live, you should be able to get it with your update box. If not, Marketplace buyers can request a re-delivery. Otherwise, DM me and I’ll send it to you.

Cell Block D-5… in Second Life?

Someone complained about Cell Block D-5 being a VRChat-only location, so I took it as a bit of an exercise to convert all the prison cell assets to PBR materials, this is the result.

It will be publicly accessible from the KDC Store elevator once I’m done with it. It is a bit of an experiment, and will be a stand-in, until I can get the “full” underground prison project to completion.

I’ve started working on a potential lock & key add-on: A key chain that can be linked to them, allowing public locks and keys to be picked up and dropped. I know 3rd party creators have already come up with creative solutions for key/lock access control, but I like this idea, and I believe it will add to the system as a whole.

Because of this I’m also reworking some parts of the lock & key system to be able to “reserve” a lock, or a key to a specific user for example.

Prison Cell Block D-5 update!

Prison Cell Block D-5
I’ve finally updated the Prison Cell Block D-5!

Nothing major, but there are some improvements and additions:

  • The world has (finally) been updated to Unity 2022.3.22f1.
  • Fixed the reflection probe problem at the end of the corridor.
  • Fixed post processing & color grading.
  • Rebuilt all the light probe groups I accidentally broke 2 years ago.
  • The cell facing isolation has been upgraded to a secure observation cell with polycarbonate panels.
  • All the cells have been renumbered, the lettering has been softened to blend in better.
  • Door logic has been completely rewritten, rookie mistakes have been fixed, and everything now responds much faster (from 4 seconds to ~1 second for clients).
  • Colliders and seats are finally disabled by default.
  • An ambient droning sound fills the silence.
  • Corrected the plumbing used by low and high security cells.
    Added thin mattresses to the small cells for (slightly) improved living conditions.

Enjoy ^_^
Click here to visit this world on VRChat.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

September 2024