Am I getting carried away?

Maybe just a little bit… I never had the opportunity to use spikes on anything. I’m not sure about the ruffled version however, I don’t like how it is attached on the inside.

Attempt #2, much improved collar shape.

All right, so for the list of changes… the back leather pieces is a lot narrower, I’ve removed the rounded corner which looked dumb and moved the small strap edge almost edge to edge of the back piece. I also changed the angle where the two pieces meet because 90° was just too extreme and unnatural. Then there is the back ring stuff.

Pro tip, the Blender bolt generator plugin makes some nice rivet heads with a flattened top… aaand it’s pretty quick.

I got some good feedback on the pillowed aspect of the inside so I’m keeping it for now.

Night update

I released a fix/usability patch for all the TB compatible collars:

  • FIXED: Animations improperly cleared on detach.
  • ADDED: Added low neck freeze animation to the collars that where subject to animation related clipping.
  • ADDED: Deleting the animation BACKGROUND_LOOP will disable the neck freeze without causing errors.

Dainty little collar

Here is a little thing that I started working on.


Since I don’t have any “fancy” collars in my collection I figured it would be a reasonable project  to squeeze in December (with the festivities and all it is unlikely I would get to complete a big project.


Desura and Indieroyale bankrupt?

The parent company of Desura and IndieRoyale appears to have filed for bankruptcy and there has been some issues with Desura not paying developers. I would advise everyone to activate their remaining steam keys and grab their DRM free installers while it is still possible.

Marketplace entries update

I spent the entire Thursday editing all my marketplace listings, now absolutely everything should be set to direct delivery without unpacking, all the permissions should be corrected, all mentions of delivery boxes removed and whether the product is for classic avatars, compatible with mesh avatars or others should now be clearly specified.

It was a gigantic task and took more than 10 hours but… it is done!

Vacuum system update!

Yes, it’s out, finally.

For those who already have it, you have an “updater” object to wear to receive the latest version.

Please do check the manual, there has been quite a few changes!

Enjoy 🙂

Almost ready

So this is what i changed so far, you can see the round enclosures for the room managers which are now “vacuTrackers”. The circular ring changes based on what is going on, to give you an idea of what is happening:

  • Fixed full color: Nothing is happening, the vacuTracker is in idle mode (the floor is completely dirty).
  • Fast spin with two LEDs: There is a vacuum running somewhere, the vacuTracker is monitoring its movements.
  • Slow spin with four LEDs: Nothing is happening, the floor is slowly getting dirty, at the pre-configured rate.

What else… The vacuTracker configuration is now notecard based and changing it will NOT cause the room configuration to reset, you have to use the “delete nodes” function in the touch menu.

Also you don’t need to set up room names anymore, vacuTrackers will pick a unique room ID when rezzed and will configure the room markers too. And it will resist shift-duplicating them so you don’t have to request your markers one by one.

The display panels are now called Monitoring panels and they only have one role now, which is to display the state of your chores in a flexible manner.

You can have up to 3 progress bars on them and merge as many chores as you want in a single progress bar (should you want to). You can also filter out chores that you don’t want to track (if you are reading a device that reports multiple ones).

Lastly, I made a “dust overlay” for those who want a little more than a progress bar for “visual feedback”. I like the texture, it tiles very well and when it’s at 1m repeat it looks a bit like sawdust… disgusting.

More random code.

Today I scripted a very small proof of concept of an adaptive “gag”. The idea is that instead of using a fixed blacklist of words you cannot use, this one works the other way and you can only use words that are whitelisted.

Then things got slightly out of control and I made a very basic “learning” system, where the object listens on local chat and if a word is repeated enough times, it is automatically added to the known word list.

That’s pretty much like learning to talk I suppose, excepted that your vocabulary is entirely contained in a single 64k script, which makes it extremely limited, this is waaaay below “bimbo” level.

I’m running a few tests, trying to tweak the learning mechanism to avoid clogging it with garbage… Having it start from zero does suck quite a bit, it makes it impossible to be understood.

About today

So, I’ve been working on the vacuum system and the IAPI framework in general. The short-term plan is to use object descriptions to add a “query” string that can be remotely checked by other objects with very little effort or overhead.

I settled on a CSV list that contains the following elements:

  • “IAPI” (as a header)
  • The name that describes the chore/activity tracked: It is ment to be used as a filter (in the future).
  • The value it is currently set at (raw).
  • The maximum value (raw).

The room manager will be its own thing from now on, completely separate from the chore panel.

The chore panel will then query 1, or more chores and compile them on a single progress bar. with up to 3 on the (current) chore panel.

It’s simple and elegant, what more, is that the chore panel generates its own IAPI compatible description, so it can be picked up by another panel, or something else. Hell you could have a cascading system where you have a general overview per floor and a global view for the entire building.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

September 2024