Update on the nose shackle and code review.

I am more or less done with the nose shackle code, so I figured I would give a long hard look at some of the TouchBound core code to see what could potentially be improved.

I have found a handful of small little issues that I’m going to correct, I know this is probably not something anyone cares about, but here is what I’ve found and fixed:

  • Some of my timer threads would end timer processing before other threads had a chance to run, this causes the animation watchdog to stop running during a suspension.
  • Lock “pins” wouldn’t reset to hidden on script reset.
  • Some messages still used llInstantMessage rather than llRegionSayTo (causing some delay).
  • I MIGHT have greatly improved memory & script time of the animation watchdog.
  • I removed some message arguments I don’t use anymore.
  • I was accidentally loading some lists in the module script that… aren’t actually used there.
  • A few functions were passing sounds around that are already the default one.

I’m tempted to merge all of this into the master branch right now but I’m afraid of introducing bugs -_-.

In world test already!

The ring weld ended up barely visible, but  I might be able to accentuate it some more. All the models are hand LODed: 1018 complexity so far.

My friend Noshi posed for that picture, since he has the better nose 😛

Important hotfix for the nose & nipple rings

Somehow I managed to push the last major update without stumbling on this one…

This update corrects and important bug that prevents removing time-release padlocks when their time has run out!

(This bug ONLY applies to time-release padlocks!)

A new week, a new project.

Finally creating something new for the TouchBound piercing line. It’s an idea I’ve had in my sketchbook for a while now.

The idea is that it uses a “triple” piercing (nostril, septum, nostril) and is secured by some kind of “reverse captive bead” system, with small rings on either side of the nose, gripping into the main bar.

It took a few iterations to come up with a “captive ring” design that works (the nose being in the way).

There is also a modeling accident on the loose ring that looks a bit like a welding mark, I’m probably going to keep it.

Industrial pipe kit script update!

  • Fixes a timer bug in toggle shaft valves & toggle gearbox valves.
  • Adds one-time owner report on shaft position (for configuring/min maxes).
  • Ensure that gearboxes & shafts prims have been found before touching them.

Marketplace: Use the auto-redelivery.
In-world: Pester me in IM 🙂

LockMeister plugin for AVsitter2

I’m surprised, with all the documentations I have for LockMeister on the lsl wiki that no one ported the example code to AVsitter already.

If you are already familiar with the lockguard plugin, configuring this one should be almost identical.

Github PR (It might end up merged/closed but I don’t know how long that’s gonna take)

Link to the LockMeister plugin.

The Industrial Pipe Kit is released!

It is finally out! 3 months of my life I’ll never get back. (I can’t wait to actually USE it in my sim however!)


  • All custom hand-made LOD models, for a crumple-free experience!
  • Extremely low texture usage with an emphasis on reuse (all the textures are included and full-perm)
  • “Slip-on” flange system! A lot less precision required.
  • A good selection of turns in 45, 90 and 180° in 3 different turn radius as well as S-bends.
  • A big selection of pipe valves from tiny to gigantic.
  • Support frames! Because pipes don’t float.
  • Click & drag valve scripts (but also a simple on/off alternative, scripts are opensource too)

This kit is tint & texture friendly: Many parts have as many as 8 individualy texturable sections.

Before you get the kit, check out the Manual, for a breakdown of the content.

Land Impact: 0.5 to 5 per part.
Complexity: 274 to 1237 per part.

As usual, you can get it from the SecondLife Marketplace or from the KDC Main Store (and cheaper too!)


More polishing?

I’ve spent almost the entire day on the valve code, trying to get it as user friendly as possible. It is such a collosal waste of time 😀

  • Analog mode (click and drag that nobody ever use in SL)
  • On/Off mode (just click to open/close a valve fully)
  • Distance detection (‘too far away’ kind of deal)
  • Gearbox texture sliding (for the “gear window”).
  • Threaded shafts go up/down.

I also re-uploaded some of the wheels that weren’t +Z oriented, so the script doesn’t need a “valve axis” configuration.

Polishing phase

The end is near!

I’ve re-textured everything a little better and re-uploaded a bunch of parts that had problems. I still want to do some more sample scripts, and a few other things here and there but this is so CLOSE to completion…

I cannot wait.

A smaller globe valve

Kinda spliced the body of the 30cm globe valve on 10cm flanges. I’m still working on the lod models but I should be done with this piece tonight.

For those wondering, there isn’t a lot left to do: A couple of supports and a tower for this valve, and the pipe set “should” be complete.

Fingers crossed.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

February 2025