Archive for June, 2024

The VRChat release of the KDC EIG-2-B Stunprod out!

I made a video this time because I felt I just couldn’t really do justice to the KDC EIG-2-B Stunprod (VRChat Edition!) otherwise.

Feature wise, it is stripped down to fit the limitations of a VRChat avatar prop/accessory, it still has sounds, particles, and the little charging mechanic. I’ve added a screen pixelation effect that only works for the person(s) near the stunprod tip. It is unpleasant, not too bad, and I think it works well enough.

It isn’t setup for any specific avatar but the prefab uses ModularAvatar, so it really is just a matter of “Drag into avatar, move and rotate in hand, done.”

As usual for VRChat assets, head over to if interested, do message on booth if you have issues/suggestions related to it.

Little status update

I’m almost done cleaning up the VRC Stunprod.

I still need to take some pictures for it, to write a proper store description, and obviously, to decide of a price.

It is getting hot here, but isn’t too bad yet.

More LPM work & some VRC work too.

Ended up going with modeling the LPM apron bib after all. A bit dense but it is probably okay. There really isn’t that much left to model at this point, and I’m going to HAVE to move to the more nerve wracking parts…

I’ve actually gotten the logic for the VRChat version of the stunprod nearly done over the weekend. The behavior is pretty much identical to the one in SL, but in SL you can’t do screen-space shader shenanigans :3


KDC Lattice cage (for VRChat) update!

KDC Lattice cage for VRChatI’ve just pushed an update to the KDC Lattice Cage (v3) for VRChat.

What has changed:

  • Fixed a bug that caused the hatch to remain stuck open.
  • Re-exported all models to proper 1:1 scale (instead of 100x scale…).
  • Replaced all main colliders with simple cubes (for ease of editing).

You can get the update from your library page on booth, you should be able to install it over the previous version without breaking anything.


I’ve also updated the Prisoner Shackles while I was at it, added Modular Avatar support and cleaned up the licensing.

Optimization, optimization, optimization…

Oh, boy do I love optimization… even if it is slowly killing me.

I ended up redoing the surface of the apron a good 5 or 6 times, I’m still not happy of the geometry it is giving me, but it kind of works. It currently clocks at 27000 triangles, all the pleats add so much geometry… I’ve optimized the corset lacing a bunch, but I need to remove a lot more to make it acceptable. I also modeled the collar.

During the party last weekend I’ve identified a horrible bug on the KDC MixMaster – Bartending System so expect an update for this soon as well as a slight change in how recipes are handled. (if I can wrap my head around it)

Bow, apron, and more ruffles

It feels like all I’ve been doing is modeling ruffles at this point.

Lots and lots of them. It’s been going okay despite the fact my left hand is giving me some trouble, I’m having some sleep troubles too as I regularly catch myself nodding off while doing these (It is such a slow and boring step!).

It feels like this is a decent chunk of work for the past 3 days. I’m trying to keep the geometry of the apron somewhat close to the skirt underneath to avoid obvious clipping issues later (which will probably happen anyway, no matter what I do)

The apron surface need a few tweaks to connect to the trim properly, and I need to clean up where the ruffles meet the belt, it is a bit messy in there. Like with the underside of the skirt, a back-face might not be necessary here either if I use two-sided rendering.

Once the tea apron is all good I think that I’ll jump to the collar & tie before worrying too much about the apron bib option. In fact, I might put it aside for a time and see if I can get a preliminary weight painting/UV map done, just to see if I can expose a few obvious problems this model is going to “feature”.

I also want to take Robust Weight Transfer for a spin.

Kyrah’s 20th Rez-Day party!

It is my Rez-Day again! Another year just passed us all by, absolutely insane…

Well, that’s the perfect excuse to impose my awful musical tastes on all of you :3


Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

June 2024