Archive for 2023

New hood project!

“Two hood projects in a row Kyrah? Really?”

Yes really!

I wasn’t 100% sure about it initially, but it has been growing on me.

So what is this about? I’m not sure about what the final name is going to be, but the idea is to make a “pig” hood. By that I don’t mean a mask with a snout and everything, I mean one of those hoods that have one single, large opening for the nose and mouth. I guess it’s a bit of a cat burglar style too… worth keeping that in mind.

Also, the variant with the mouth covered but nose exposed is just too cute to pass.

I’ve done a few attempts at the eye shape, the almond-type looked good, but it is a bit overdone, so I’m trying something else instead.

The Syntex hood addon is out!

Syntex hood

The Syntex hood add-on for the KDC Avara Hood is complete!

It took me a bit longer than I’d like to finalize everything (let’s blame the heatwave and definitely not my procrastination tendencies), but I think I really nailed the hybrid “hard plastic mask/soft latex hood” vibe. (It is heavy inspired by Shodan from System Shock 1-2)

It comes with the following options:

  • Original, plain and seamed style.
  • Normal & Inverted colors.
  • Open, pepper hole and closed (blind under RLV) eyeholes.

18 different options in total.

I’m not sure if it is just me, but I get the impression that textures are compressed more on upload lately? I get a lot more artifacts in my normal maps than I normally would. Nothing I can do about it, obviously…

As usual, you can get it from the two usual places: At the KDC Main Store (10% off), or on the Second Life Marketplace. Enjoy~

Hood progress #2

Here is another hood progress update! There was another delay.

I’ve finished the geometry for good! Now comes the painful, task of combining all the textures into one he-he. I don’t remember how I dealt with ambient occlusion errors on the Malefica hood, but I made it on a previous Blender version and things have changed a bit since.

The second image is to help me draw some of the masking areas I need, but also to add some burned in details in the base texture, still working on that. It will be really subtle tho.

I wasn’t entirely sure about those connector “points” on the temples, but they don’t look too bad crunched down into a normal map. It fill the space.

You can also see the new forehead piece, it has some “vent” looking things too.

Hood progress

Not a lot to show for on the new hood, again. I’m sorry, it’s hot and there are a bunch of things going on.

I’ve reshaped the lips on my normal source to get something a bit more feminine (looks less like some retro/cybermen mask, which is good).

Ended up with lens-style eyepieces, that also look okay in open mode. Could be a bit bigger maybe?

I want to reshape the forehead bit to look more like an independent panel rather than something continuous. Not sure what to put on the temples themselves, however…


I’m in the middle of a server upgrade, so things are going to be a bit iffy on the website until I’m finished with this huge waste of time.

Cyber hood project

I’ve started some a new cyber hood project. It is heavily inspired by a Shodan cosplay that I liked a lot.

It appears to have some potential, I’m just not sure about the eye area yet. Having eye openings seem like it would make the most sense, and would also look a bit more lively than if I make it fully enclosed.

No mouth opening tho, and that is fine.

Most of the details are currently using floating geometry (even the MOUTH!). I need to practice and get better at this, it makes normal map detailing so much quicker.

The forehead need a lot of work, it would look a lot better with visible “plate” seams, but I have to keep it a latex hood. The uncovered “sides” also need to be fleshed out with surface details.

Avara Hood: The styling update.

Avara Hood — main product picture

It is me again, with yet another Avara Hood update! (please don’t hate me…)

This update is part of the bigger push I’ve done to modernize and unify my blindfold effect, you’ve seen it with the classic leather blindfold, well it’s now the same effect with the Avara Hood.

The other big improvement is that I’ve finally implemented a change in how style cards work that makes the styling menu a lot easier to navigate, and a lot faster too.

Avara Hood — Styling menuHood styles are now stored in pairs, as about 2/3rd of them have a matching inverted pair, you now have a dedicated button that inverts the currently active style. And for styles that don’t have an inverted version? Well it doesn’t do anything.

I’ve also changed menu traversal, so it requires fewer clicks to go around between categories and sub-categories.

All of this also means there is about 1/3 less style cards the script has to parse, which speeds up rebuilding the menu, and leave room for… More styles to come, I have a few ideas.

Because the new style card format is not compatible with the new hood, the new updated cards start with “skin2” and the old ones with “skin”. The new hood ignores the old cards, and the old hood one ignores the new cards… perfect, right?

Only those aren’t served by the updater… right, because I did not anticipate that it would ever be needed. I’ve already issued an automatic re-delivery for the marketplace purchases of the Malefica and Halloween Ghoul add-ons (If you got it from Patreon, you should go get the update from the gift terminal). For the in-world store on the other hand, I’m going to have to do this manually, so please IM me if I somehow forget to send them to you!

Iron Grip gag: the animation update

I’ve redone the base animation set for the Iron Grip gag from scratch, and added two alternate sets.
You can now configure which animation set it should use and create new ones (from your animations, or mix and matching).

Hopefully this should solve the biggest feedback issue I had on this item, and maximize the number of mesh heads it can be used with.

Check the manual for details

Working on a second pass for the iron grip gag.

I’ve remade all the iron grip gag mouth poses properly, improved even (IMHO).

Next step is to check with other heads and make 1 or 2 alternate sets if needed.

Tag plates “pride edition” released!

Tag plates - pride edition

New Tag plates! I should have done something like this a long time ago really, but I did not think it was important for a long time.

You could say that it is technically a “pride month special”, but it is not time-limited like the Halloween ones and will remain in store as a normal product, the timing just happens to coincide.

As usual, you can get it from the KDC Main Store (10% off), and from the Second Life Marketplace, I’ve also added it to my Patreon goodie bag.

Kyrah’s 19th Rez-Day Party!

As foretold by the prophecy!, a celebration will be organized to commemorate my 19th rez-day and appease the grid monkeys.


Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

October 2024