Happy birthday me

Yep, today, 33 years on this god forsaken planet 🙂

Some (mild) celebration is in order I suppose.

New release! KDC Classic leather blindfold

Well, I decided to bite the bullet and go on with the release of the newest member in the “classic” TouchBound collection 🙂 It features a mechanic similar to how my gags and bits work. That is, you can toggle it on and off with an adjustable position for each state. It also features my new “Hudless” partial blinding RLV setup (Thanks to Noel Loordes for putting me on the right track) and an improved effect for RLV 2.9 compatible viewers.


As usual, you can pick it up at KDC’s main shop, the SecondLife Marketplace, and also on the PrimBay.

Enjoy 🙂


I should have release the blindfold last week, but there is a little issue with some viewers where the effect get “stuck” if you try to remove the blindfold after changing region. I have tried for a few days to find some kind of workaround but nothing appears to work beside resetting it manually (viewer sun settings). I am torn because I can either wait for a viewer patch or just “ignore” it release anyway and put a note about it in the manual.

Decisions, decisions…

All the codes.

I finished compositing the textures over the weekend and also a little bit of Monday. I also got the basic aspects of the script working and spent most of Tuesday working on an RLV enabled blindfold effect. I might have found one that I like and it looks even better with RLV 2.9 (which is only supported by Marine’s viewer at the moment I believe?). I have a fallback version for earlier versions of RLV.

Small issue tho, if you aren’t running advanced lighting+ambient occlusion, you won’t really see “much”. But maybe that’s what you want from a blindfold after all? Here are a few examples, I’m still trying to find a color “mood” that work well for multiple viewers and isn’t too bright.

Blindfold texturing

Again, good progress has been made, I actually rendered all the textures required but I might do an attempt at a higher resolution in order to get more details for compositing.

Also included a shot with and without materials, so you can see what you are missing… in the event that you are still running SL like it’s 2004.

Do all the LPM things!

I thought that I would post this before starting the unwrapping. I came pretty low in my opinion, it’s around 1300 triangles without the metallic bits… not too bad. I’ve been pretty aggressive with the inside, more than I normally do, but that’s the area nobody will see anyway :/

Next step, as I said, unwrapping.

Now in glorious full colors!

I just finished unwrapping and making the stitch masks for the blindfold, so I thought that it would be a good time to post an update 🙂

Express update

I just pushed yet another patch to the KDC Nipple rings (sorry about that) correcting an issue with the left ‘light’ ring. This also fixes a potentially older issue with the regular left side rings.

Barely qualify for a work update

I’ve been dealing with a bad cold the past two days and haven’t done much work really, I tweaked the discs some more and added a couple rivets & straps. I think i will do the entire backside in red rather than having those weird donuts/”rolled condoms”… I’m gonna keep the dip on the inside because it gives me a handy seam to change the direction of my texture UVs but it will be much less pronounced.


Trains, nipple rings and blindfolds

I will try to keep this brief. I rebuilt the train signals over the weekend and added dwarf signals to the Dead Realm railway.


I also pushed a small update to the KDC Nipple rings: First, a simple code patch and second, you should now get a second set called “light” that only have the captive bead/RLV locking, no chaining, padlocking or accessories. You will receive both either ways.

Next: I started working on a blindfold project that will be part of a small set of items I’ve wanted to create for a little while. I’ve settled for a “disc type” of blindfold, I can still change my mind if I end up hating it. So far… it does look like a really terrible attempt at sunglasses, but it will get better (I hope)!

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

September 2024