Come celebrate Kyrah’s 15th rez-day!

I am organizing a little party on the Dead Realm Hinamizawa pier (M) to celebrate my 15th rez-day, Saturday 06/08/2019 at 11am Second Life time (SLT)!

Event listing if you need a reminder

The KDC MixMaster is out!

Finally! The MixMaster is complete 😀

  • 5 main ingredients.
  • 25 recipes (a few of them are secret :3).
  • All cocktails have unique descriptions and a set of flavors that get displayed (slowly) as you drink.
  • Manual and automatic drinking.
  • The bigger the cocktail, the more sips it contains.
  • Empty (or full) glasses can be picked up, dropped and set on the provided coasters using temporary attachments, no inventory mess!
  • Switches, buttons and shaker are animated and have custom sounds and a few particle effects.
  • You can even add your own recipes, …or just mix something random!

It’s perfect for clubs, relaxing at home, or for butler/maid roleplay.

As usual, you can find it at the KDC Main Store or the Secondlife Marketplace.

Enjoy 🙂

Recipe manual, and more code.

I quickly modeled a little “menu card” to serve as a holder/giver for the notecard that contains all the drinks you can make.

I’ve also:

  • Fixed a bunch of bugs.
  • Added some missing drinks (Engine degreaser, Sunshine Cloud).
  • Added proximity checking.
  • Updated all the drinks.
  • Added machine config options for the owner to restrict users, disallow drink dropping, and whether they want to use temp-on-rez or not.
  • Updated the taste for all the fixed recipes.
  • Custom drinks now have taste for ice & aging.
  • Successful drinks are timed (just as a personal challenge).
  • The machine doesn’t produce anything when the mixing handle isn’t held for the minimum time.

There is only a couple of things I still have to do (specular map for the machine, wiki, product pics…)

Otherwise It’s pretty much ready!

A very secret drink

But don’t tell anyone, it’s a secret. :3

The two VA-11 HALL-A signature drinks: Piano Man & Piano Woman

A bit slower this time, I was sick yesterday and overslept today. The key was just annoying to LOD properly and I’m almost wondering if I should have made it in opaque glass, or even metallic?

Not making the heart translucent on the Piano Woman was a good idea.

Now onto the beer/frothy water and the “Flaming Moai”.

Weird drinks with cream on top

3 more models, 4 more to go.

I spent an absurd amount of time trying to get the foam just right on the hurricane glass, but the more details I added, the more it looked like construction foam…

I’m not that good with food stuff.

Bleeding Jane glass

Just some quick sunday work, so far it’s the only glass I made with opaque liquid, it made sense since bleeding jane == bloody mary. I used a “pulpy” normal map but it’s not too visible unfortunately.

I’ll try to get more done today but I overslept and it’s getting late already, figured I would post now instead of waiting 2am.

More glassware… again.

I had enough time to finish up the margarita glass and the classic cocktail glass.

In the picture: Grizzly Temple and Brandtini.

More glassware

I modeled two more glasses for the MixMaster. It is now able to make 12 drinks.

I also wrote more code to get recipes to check that the preparation has been followed (ice/age/mix/blend) but I’m gonna have to scrap this part. My intent was to give a hint that you didn’t quite make the right drink, and that’s currently what it does.

Result: ‘Sugar rush’ and ‘Sparkle Star’ have the same ingredients, so one of the two recipes overrides the other.

I have two options:

  1. Keep it as it is and change the sugar rush or sparkle star recipe?
  2. Make the preparation part of the recipe, but then I lose flexibility with drinks that have preparation errors.

Regardless, I also need to make two new bento hand poses, the hand opening is too small for the rocks glass and too big for the test tube.

Code, flavor and glitches

I’ve spent an absurd amount of time detailing the glass code:

  • Custom animations, including bento finger poses.
  • Manual vs automatic drinking.
  • Named drinks have special flavors and descriptions.
  • “Custom” drinks have more generic flavors that depend of their composition.
  • Drinks have a set number of “sips” before the glass goes empty.

I also encountered a rather nasty rendering issue while making the final model for the highball glass. I can’t really fix it so I kinda “worked around it” by using less transparent glass. It’s not perfect but it’s not too visible.

So that’s a total of 4 recipes that are more or less “final” (unless I add some particle effects):

  • Glass of Nothing.
  • Marsblast.
  • Blue Fairy.
  • Custom Drink (I still need to fix the color generation there)
Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

September 2024