A walk around the KDC manor.

I just finished the last texture adjustments for the manor, ot is not furnished, yet but i hope this will happen soon, now that the build is, finally, complete.

First the manor main entrance, the road is framed with a stone wall with decorative pillers and from there we can see the hotel building on the other side of the hill (but that’s just to situate the manor emplacement)

A few shots that show respectively the front entrance, service entrance and the garden access from the patio. Read the rest of this entry »

Weekend project: One script, many doors

I just released on the LSL scripting library (that’s right, for free and open source) a script that allow you to control several linked doors from a single script, pretty useful on complex buildings that use many many doors (I shaved from my sim about 110 scripts using this system)

It features, auto closing, sounds, and an access list system for each door through notecard.

Still interested? it’s CLICK HERE.

Soo, where to go from now

Creating the TouchBound system was honestly, quite a pain in the ass, but i’m happy that i did it, making new objects will be much more convenient from now on.

Now the question i’m asking to myself, and to you who care to read this blog is:

Where to go now?

Of course i need to make more stuffs in the chrome lined style, the first two that came to my mind are upper arm cuffs and thighs bands.

The second one that comes to my mind would be a PROPER chastity belt, i haven’t made any in a long time and the chrome lined serie is a good opportunity to make a belt that actually look like a real life belt (sculpted prims of course) and to make it flat enough so it can be worn under the sl system skirts too.

Also when it comes to accessories that are not directly bondage toys, well from my understanding peoples still like to color their stuffs. And altho the chrome lined serie is modifiable i’ve been thinking about an accessory that could be immersive and (somewhat) fun to use: the anodizing tank.

The base concept is that it could permanently tint the metal stuffs using the age old electrolysis system that most peoples in the car tuning scene know (it’s basically a bath of a special solution the object is immersed into and a current runs through electrodes which bind the metallic pigment chemically on the surface of the object).

So , yeah of course it is “not” needed and is another accessory peoples would be encouraged to buy but i think it could offer some new interesting things, like a dungeon could have it’s own attached “public” customization workshop…. I don’t know if peoples would really like that…

The valentine padlocks had good results and seems to sell more than the round ones, they also tend to sell more than the fingerprint padlocks (which are easier to use but considering you get one with each items, it isn’t like there is the novelty effect).

I’ve had a chat with a few peoples who would be interested into time reliant padlocks. I initially had a fuzzy idea of making time enabled “key boxes” but maybe making directly padlocks that you can dial time in might be simpler.

So hey, enough about me babbling , tell me what YOU want!

Shadows and SSAO in SL

Rocket boots

Some random stuff of course!

High security wing entrance

I guess those that will be locked past this door are REALLY dangerous.

Happy valentine day! New heart shaped padlocks!

And here is a new batch of nice things for the TouchBound system 🙂 This will start some variety in the locks you can get for it, those are keyed, and the key has a cute heart on it 🙂 also available in 3 keyed alike.

Safety glass to the high security wing

Finally! 8 new products, and the TouchBound system are released!

I have been working on this project since 2, maybe 3 months i’m not entirely sure anymore, but here it is, the TouchBound system!

For now 8 products are available, and it’s pretty much the start of a new product line, now that the basecode is written i “should” be able to create compatible items with a bit less downtime inbetween.

The TouchBound system is pretty much the result of all my thinking of how “I” would really like bondage and power play in SL to be: Intuitive, uncluttered, and close to reality, because for me, the main attraction in SL’s BDSM is to be able to experience “some” part of what it is in real life.

A quick features summary:

  • Self updating
  • Even if  most of the main TouchBound accessories are no transfer, the new package system still allow you to buy it for a friend, it will only become no transfer if you unpack it.(Thanks a LOT  to  Timeless Prototype for the help, inspiration and all, you are my hero in the scripter world!)
  • Zero configuration, no complex menus whatsoever.
  • Intuitive touch based interactions.
  • Low lag, only 4 tightly packed scripts, so it’s really easy on the sim you are in.
  • Leashing to objects, to leash handles, to peoples, drawing chains from any objects to any other compatible object.
  • 100% RLV compatible!
  • Realistic locking system with padlocks and keys that can be shared with other persons.
  • AO proof animation system, you can keep wearing your AO while being animated by TouchBound objects.
  • Sound effects, chain clicketing, locks snapping…

But… a few pictures are worth a thousand words 🙂

Also i’m moving all the documentations for my products to


Likewise, i now have a bug repor/feature request tool located at


Good old times

Timeless made me want to relog on there and i took a few pictures , made this crude collage. Those where the good days…

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

September 2024