FLATTR, well let’s try out that thing

I’m doing a shameless little advertisement for this interesting system to, as they say it “Show your love for the things you like” . I’ve been accepted in the beta (yay!) and will see how things unfold.

Considering an image is worth a tousand words and because it will probably be easier for peoples to understand it if it isn’t explained by me in my broken english, here is a little introduction video:

You can apply for entering the beta here: https://flattr.com

And once you realize how awesome it is…
You can click the little Flattr button right here to show me your love ^_^

The day against DRMs

Pick the language you understand 🙂

Today is the “Day Against DRM” or for the novices, Digital Management rights, which are nothing more and nothing less than the “solution” the big media industries found to dictate what you can or can’t do with content you bought from them, for this occasion I invite you dear readers to spread the word against this evil of the internet age.

Whether companies will control and restrict us through our technology remains to be decided, and the battle is now.

Aujourd’hui c’est la “Journée contre les DRM” , ou gestion des droits électroniques en français, la solution que les poids lourds de l’industrie audiovisuelle ont trouvé pour nous dicter ce que nous pouvons faire ou ne pas faire avec le contenu que nous leur achetons, j’invite tous ceux qui me lisent à faire passer l’information contre ce cancer qui empoisonne l’industrie.

C’est maintenant qu’il faut nous battre si nous ne voulons pas que les compagnies nous contrôlent à travers nos propres technologies.

Some doodling on T3D

A little update on my new chastity belt

It’s getting closer, and it looks awesome!

As you can see it also fits nice and tight under system skirts 🙂

I only need to add a couple more details, and script it, i will release a global update to the touchbound system at the same time.

I took a break

In the case anybody wonder wy i was so silent, it has been a week now that i haven’t touched SecondLife, i really needed it. Call it some kind of vacation break if you want.

Anyway, i need to get back to work now…

Be wary of what your housekeeping staff do while you are away!

Sometimes they go watch tv and ease their butt on your leather couches 😀

more drinks, and a tablet computer

I’m just enjoying myself today 😀 Making cool toys.

And yes the laptop DOES work.

Little side project, serving tray

This is a little side project i’ve been working on an evening.. well really early morning.

Dispense glasses, automatically lay out the number of glasses on the plate, stop hold animation when no glasses are on it…

next step is to make it support multiple drinks.

New project on it’s way!

I completely forgot to precise that the housekeeping uniform is now up for sale, well… my bad i guess…

you can find it at my inworld shop in dead realm, but also in the 4 non official web shops:

I’ve started a new project, which is to build a proper chastity belt with sculpts and — if I can manage it — in the same style I made the collar and cuffs. I’m aiming into making it ultra slim so it fits nicely under skirts 🙂

Yes, next touchbound object will be the nicest chastity belt ever made in SL, count on me 🙂

Just a little new thing

– EDIT – updated again

enjoy 🙂

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

September 2024