Archive for the ‘shit happens’ Category

Working on a Vergilius cuff set for VRChat

I need a new collar for the Valentine dance so I’m making a Vergilius cuff set for VRChat!

I ended up modeling a simple padlock for it today because I don’t have any that isn’t built as a sculpted prim for the TouchBound system. I managed to cram them in the free space of the metal texture UV but they are pretty low-resolution all things considered. Since this version is for VRChat I’ve put it together into a custom skeletal rig that uses ModularAvatar for ease of installation and low object/material count (1 mesh for the entire set and 2 materials).

It’s a bit on the heavy side with 40Ktris for the entire set (collar + 4 sets of cuffs), but I’ll include a more “stripped down” version where the inner side of the straps has been removed, and a couple variants for convenience (collar only, wrists only, etc…)

Once this is sorted I’ll return to the “skin suit” project!

The last 3 hours have been absolute hell as I ended up locked out of the site! I assumed the worst and was ready to purge the entire subdomain… But it turned out that it was a misbehaving outdated plugin.

The feeling of the intense stress coming down was almost… orgasmic.

Finishing touches on the Vergilius set

I’ve almost finished the Vergilius elbow and thigh cuffs! Yesterday was a bit of a weird day, I decided to make a spreadsheet with all the animations currently in the system along with a full limb locking allocation table (which also outputs the required bit fields… kind of handy), but I couldn’t concentrate and kept making mistakes or duplicating entries.

I eventually got it, and it allowed me to spot a few configuration errors in some of the bondage pieces that I’m going to fix eventually.

That day ended with a massive indigestion ^_^.

Today I finished the ORM map and LOD models for the thigh cuffs and am in the process of putting everything together in-world. It is all looking great and unless a problem comes up, I should be ready for release in a couple days.

Vergilius elbow cuffs update

I’ve picked back up the Vergilius elbow cuffs and finished the low-poly, unwrapping and the LOD models. Other than scripting, they are as good as done.

I think I’m going to hold off a little bit on releasing these because the Halloween release is currently using the “new product” spot at the KDC Main Store. So I guess I’m going to start working on the thigh straps now.

Thing are a bit slow.

I’ve been dealing with some computer issues (home server & laptop failing me one after the other). But on the bright side, my desktop finally managed to complete an update it was failing for the past year and a half 😅.

Interrogation chair thing

Here is another attempt at the interrogation chair project, I like it a lot more than my previous attempts which I’m not sure I’ve ever posted here. I was hoping to integrate some kind of knee-spreader, but so far, cannot figure out of a good approach that also fits the overall design of this contraption.

I look so unhappy in this pictures, ^_^ I wonder why!

Blender’s renderer & denoising have really come a long way, and this is nearly at real-time speed on GPU compute. Would you look at that.

As for the Vergilius collar, I finished writing the code yesterday, I was going to do product pictures, manuals, and all those little things but my home server appears to have given up the ghost, which pretty much ate the rest of the afternoon.

I haven’t entirely lost hope but I might have to look for a replacement… and an IDE drive adapter of sort (it is THAT old). Thankfully, it did not contain much of value other than lots of scripts and somewhat useful services and things I figured out over the years. For the time being, I’ve moved the really important stuff (customer mails & sale reports) to a different machine.

Back to the latex maid dress!

Sick, once again, for almost half of last week… And if You add the hay fever too… I’m sick of this.

I called the hospital to lower my prescription, hopefully tomorrow I can go pick up a lower dosage and that should stop my stomach from getting upset every few days. While it isn’t really excusing everything, this has definitely taken a toll on my productivity this year, and while I thought I could just handle it, the reality is that I cannot do this AND be productive in any capacity.


It’s not all bad news thankfully, I’ve finally returned to work on the latex maid dress. I’ve done some cleaning up on my files, and started “de-symmetrizing” elements that need to be, such as the corset lacing. I also made a somewhat decent bow for the apron (which was another sticking point of the design).

Still a few things I’m not 100% sure of:

  • The latex maid dress upper back still feels empty. I thought several times about adding a diamond cutout, but that will complicate cross body compatibility.
  • Seam layout still feels too basic, but outlining the chest will only make it harder to open the cleavage later.
  • Need to figure out how I’m going to connect the shoulder straps to the apron belt.
  • Some kind of headband/headdress, and I don’t know what style would work and look unique enough from all the others I’ve made already (I’d rather not reuse an existing one).

As always, any suggestion/comment is greatly appreciated.


Rest in peace

Rest in peaceI wish I had been more present for You.
By the time it was too late there was no way to really exchange any last words, or wrap up any loose ends.
But at the same time, I don’t know if you can just “conclude” a relationship with someone who pretty much raised you alongside of your parents, just like that, with a few good words and kind gestures.
I’m also not sure if You’d have cared to listen anyway.
I feel awful because part of me is relieved that this is all over: fewer obligations, less guilt, less pain of seeing you slowly but surely going away. I also feel awful because I do not feel as sad as I thought I should be.
Furthermore, I know that I’ve seen much worse departures before, but this is fresh, raw and new. I know this, and I know it will take time.
I don’t believe in god, but I know you did, I guess you’re all reunited together now, we tried to accommodate with your (somewhat) conflicting desires on how to handle your funerals, I hope we made the right choice, but it also feels like we leaned on what was the most “convenient” option.
This clumsy goodbye will never reach you, and I’m writing it more for myself and who care to join my little pity party than anything else.

The past week has been both easy, and difficult mentally…

I’ve been extremely restless, and haven’t really done anything of value, I feel “fine” 99% of the time, but I am having a really hard time focusing on creative work.

It is already mid-December and things are only going to get busier from this point, but I’ll do my best to show some progress on current projects.

Late pseudo-update

I’m calling this a pseudo-update, because I still don’t know if this is going to be relevant to SL at all.

Without going into details, one of my relatives has been hospitalized this weekend, and It is unlikely that they will walk out of it. As a result I’ve been occupying my head with random projects, and for some reason, I couldn’t really get my head into the latex maid uniform project.

There is a couple of other things I don’t feel comfortable to show for now, but well… this is today’s update. I want to get back into the swing of things… but at least it is still modeling, right?

I’m hoping things will improve, but they won’t. So all I can hope is to get over it quickly… or at least enough to focus.


I haven’t posted one of these in a while, but I do not remember ever being this sick before.

Things are stable at the moment, so don’t you worry too much ^_^.

New internet, more speed, more headaches

I wasted almost two whole days sorting out issues with my brand-new internet access (FTTH yay!). I think I have almost every issue squashed. Now I’m just waiting for a replacement Gigabit Ethernet adapter.

I’ll post a modeling progress update as soon as I have more to show.

This is no good…

This is no good, I’m sleep-deprived again… I have spent most of the day trying to come up with a metallic look that I like.

So far? Nothing really horrible, but nothing that I like either.

I’m trying to create something that doesn’t look painted and has a little amount of wear visible. Not too much, but not too little that it won’t be visible at all. I’ve even tried using some of my previous metal materials without much success.

I tried adding a bit of rust too, but it doesn’t look right either and whatever scratches or uneven brushing I tried to add wasn’t really noticeable enough, or looked fake.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

March 2025