Archive for the ‘product updates’ Category
Impending Touchbound update
At some point during monday i will release a patch to the touchbound system to bring everything to version 3 of the code, the upcoming changes follow:
- Overall speed boost when doing click combos.
- Automatic turn off on force posed animations when sitting to avoid ugly breakages (this won’t stop upperbody animations which shouldn’t cause any problems anyway)
- Fix on the non RLV detaching prevention, now sending IM to the proper key.
Plus a little bit of ground work to prepare for adding new objets. I need to get back into it.
New project on it’s way!
I completely forgot to precise that the housekeeping uniform is now up for sale, well… my bad i guess…
you can find it at my inworld shop in dead realm, but also in the 4 non official web shops:
I’ve started a new project, which is to build a proper chastity belt with sculpts and — if I can manage it — in the same style I made the collar and cuffs. I’m aiming into making it ultra slim so it fits nicely under skirts 🙂
Yes, next touchbound object will be the nicest chastity belt ever made in SL, count on me 🙂
An update on the work i’m doing.
This has been a couple of weeks of radio silence, but i hadn’t much to show really, i’m coding a new collar concept, as i said before, more in adequation with what i think restraints and bondage stuffs in SL should be.
So far i had quite positive feedback from the peoples i demonstrated it to, they liked the simplicity and the complete lack of configuration menus.
Today I’ve been working on until now on an early implementation of RLV into the collar through the use of a homemade “relay”, to keep thing simple, if you wear the relay and have an RLV client, it lock itself and enable the rlv functions of the collar (and other stuffs) , if you decide not to wear it, the RLV functions are disabled.
It has no actual look so you can really wear it anywhere you want, but i got comments that being unable tod etach the relay when having a RLV client might be a bit too much…
But i’ve no idea of an alternative that keeps it simple and doesn’t make it just a matter of removing the relay when RLV bothers you.
I also worked more on my new “lock” system, wich basically transfer the “look” of the locks you are using to the objects it lock, wich allow some extra visual customisation…. it’s always nice.
Here are a few poctures of the two locks i modeled so far, note that the rightmost one does not require a key as it is biometric , fancy way for saying it react to avatar keys 🙂
I have to say it’s quite surprising the level of code complexity involved, compared to the simplicity of the interface, Iwill probably have issues with customers that believe it is as simple under the hood as it looks on the outside.
Medium bug fix on the KDC Institutional Straitjacket
version 1.0 -> 1.1
There was a small bug with the whitelist refresh wich made it basically never refresh properly, well PM me for the update.
Needle ballet boots overhaul!
Following a discussion with a very nice person, i decided to update the needle ballet boots and work around their main problem, the conflict with animation overriders and dance machines.
Well it turned easier than i expected, even if at some point i thought it would never work. I aso fixed a few texture problems on the metallic details and added a light shine for good measure.
I think it’s safe to say there are no heels as extreme as those  in SL (for now)
To mark the occasion it’s back on the first page of my vendors, get the new parcel style package, and is available on XStreetSL
GLOOM: Knees deep in the code
This update just to say i’m fine, my time is shared for now between my RL issue at hand:
- Finding a new apartment (my roomate is moving and this place is too fucken expensive for me alone)
- Making progress on the KDC hud.
I finally found a pretty solid and fast LSL devellopment IDE for LSL in the name of Eclipse IDE with the LSL PLUS package it’s pretty nifty so far, and it include a code simulator for all the base debugging you might want to do, plus it kind of “precompile” your code, as in strip comments and tighten the syntax so you can paste it in the SL editor and nobody will understand what the hell you wrote (i’m joking on this part).
Just did a little screen, while staying as obscure as possible 😀
Left 4 dead didn’t prevent me to work :)
Well even if i’ve been having a blast with the demo of left 4 dead (ÂÂ ) i still found time to continue on my little leather outfit, and here is the result , so far.
I DO have to give up on makin a sculpted belt to cover the textured one, it seems the sl avatar is varying too much here to allow anything decent looking, i’ve now done stitches in places i feel are realistic, added the little eyelets on the straps made the gloves and the tights. I’m pondering if it’s worth anything to make scultped straps for the legs and arms, and if yes… shall i do strap holders like on the others?
The shading is still a little off and really overkill on the arms but i won’t touch up this part much until i solve my problems with color profiles on my computer, no interest really to work the shading if imnot sure what i’m doing is accurately replicated on other people’s screen.