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First pass on surface details.

Very uninspired title, I’ve re-unwrapped most parts, and broken symmetry. Oh no, I need to find a place for my logo too. There is something i still want to try, namely to knock up or down the front/back panels.

That and/or maybe making the back-knee panel narrower? Not sure.

There is also this nagging feeling that this is an awful lot of details for the BACK of a boot.

Small progress

Not much to say, still playing with the design…

Boot progress!

I’m sorry for the low pace of things, I really am, it’s just a bad conjecture really.

So a few changes: Considerably shorter, the zip is now an easement for the ankle instead of running along the whole boot (yes I checked, it is a thing). More to come!

Everything is back to normal.


Now maybe, just maybe I can go back to doing more interesting things. Like those boots I started recently.

I’m pretty sure no one will have a problem with that right? 😛

Server outage

Such a feeling of “déjà vu” there.

Our server released the “magic smoke” and completely refused to boot during the weekend. Entire machine lost, data unrecoverable. Thankfully I had a partial backup from the day before so not everything was lost.

Saying that, it’s a partial backup, which means that, while the essential systems are restored ( site/vendor system mainly ) there is still a lot of work to do and a lot of data was lost.

New update for the chat conditioner!

I’ve added a new feature that has been asked several times. You can now add trigger words/phrases that can switch profile on the conditioner even when it is locked.

Now why would you use that? Well you could for example have:

  • A “muted” profile triggered by “shut up”.
  • An “unrestricted” profile allowing the wearer to talk triggered by “speak up”.

It is very flexible so I am curious what people will come up with.

Triggers can be activated by anyone in local chat range (it will not react to anyone or anything further than 20 meters away), and obviously, only other avatars can, not the wearer 🙂

More quilting

I’ve rebuilt most of the leg part, too many seams and not enough control edges between them. This is the result so far. I tried to separate better the upper and lower part with som kind of “knee pad” design but I don’t really like it, at least not as it is.

Quilted paneling

I’m trying to give something “special” to those boots to separate them from the ones I’ve done before. Quilted side panels have a little something that makes them.. flattering?

The top part still feels too “detached” from the rest.

Due to all the extra seams I’m gonna have to rebuild the leg part to get a little more control on the subdivision.

So yeah boots…

Not much to say, it started as an extended version of my ballet-boot shape, I was gonna have it zipped or laced front but it always stretches horribly on the knee so inside-leg zip it will be!

Need more details…

Working on a new set of boots.

Pictures soon 🙂

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

March 2025