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Ankle boot texturing almost finished!

A brief gallery of the progress over the last two days. On the last picture I also adjusted the velcro straps to have longer ends.

Progress on the ankle boots

I did some rebuilding in order to insert the side panels and the reenforcement strips around the grommets, I also added those and a lacing mockup.

The velcro straps are also 50% wider (I still have to redo those proper, these are also just mockups) and I added a small trim under the ankle padding.

Throwing things around

I’ve done some progress on my game project, for anyone interested. It mostly involves throwing toolboxes at other people’s faces.

New ankle boots started

That was a long break, I know, but I needed some rest.

And now for something completely different 🙂

This is a first draft of the design, I like what I’m seeing but I suspect that It isn’t going to stay as is.

Shrine completed!

Warning: Cats might have taken over.


A little thing I”ve been making for the region. Not quite finished yet.

The shoin school uniform has demos now.

Both in the main store and on the marketplace. I did that quickly today because some people with system avatars where interested. I figured having demos wouldn’t hurt.

I’ve also fixed the demos for the Warden straitjacket and Ayumi boots so they aren’t time limited anymore (they still have limitations mind you). Sorry about that, I didn’t really think this through when I made them, I just wanted to be done.

The KDC Shoin Highschool Uniform is out!

More than a hundred hours of work went into this project, as crazy as that sounds.

I’m very happy with the final result and you’ll probably see me wear it quite a lot, even where it doesn’t actually make sense.

If someone is interested by the original, for some reason there are 360 images of it here. No, I don’t know where you can get one.

I included UV maps and some alpha masks too because why not and you get the summer and winter version in the same package.

As usual, you can grab it from the KDC Main store or the SecondLife Marketplace.

The shoin uniform is almost ready!

I spent all of monday making all the different LOD (Level Of Detail) meshs for the summer & winter variations aswell as the four different chest sizes.

I know that LODs on rigged meshs are a bit broken at the moment but I have hope that this will be fixed once the animesh project goes live, so good LODs are a good idea.

The dresses sit around 4000 Draw weight at a mere 7000 ish triangles and the LOD switching is imperceptible, even rezzed! pretty good I think!

I’ve also made an alpha layer for “mixed” avatars (2.0 body with system head) and “Regulation” versions (I’ll explain this in detail on the wiki later).

I am exhausted.

This post will not have any pictures so I’ll be brief.

I was considering the Shoin School Uniform project to be pretty much ready however a friend pointed out numerous issues with the shoulder weighting.

The problem was that my test setup in Blender turned out to be “inaccurate”… to put it mildly. 20 or so test uploads later, tweaking blindly, I finally got it to behave.

I just had lunch. It’s 5PM *dies*.


Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

March 2025