Where I state that i am an idiot.

I was done. All the hoods where ready, and i only had to make the product pictures. And then as my avatar smiled at me between screenshots.


This is where  I realised that i forgot to alpha out the mouth and teeth section, I have to fix it and re upload everything…

Well… more work to do.


Another issue with the ponytail hole alpha, this isn’t my lucky day 😀

A peek at the pigtail version

I’ve done a lot of rendering mostly thursday and friday, the hoods will have the following options:


  • Metal.
  • Colored.
  • None.


  • Normal.
  • Pigtail holes.
  • Ponytail hole.

So that’s nine combinations par package I suppose.

Should I do the basic/premium/complete thing that I did with the revosuit again?

I forgot to mention!

This is over a hair base, actually the Genius hairs from Tuty.

Almost done

With the base version that is. I really want to make a pony tail version and bi-chromic versions too. I did a complete defrag/reorder yesterday which took 24 hours ( 1 terabyte -_-) so that took all Tuesday.

To compensate here is a BUNCH of pictures of the current state of the hood. It’s all red because it is the only color that show all the details, so that’s what I usually work with.

I rebuilt the lower lip shape about 3 times and played for a while with the dept of the seams before settling on those.

The first few pictures have glares on the lips and chin that i removed in the last picture. I think it’s a bit better like that.

I’m gonna stick with that one.

Second attempt on the hood. This time, I’ve used a higher resolution texture and a non smoothed mesh. Also spent a while tweaking and tuning the eye openings and the mouth and I think it’s looking as .. good as it ever will.

It’s a bit mexican wrestler -ish I suppose, but I like the way the lines look, very smooth and aesthetically? It is pleasing me.

Status update, i fail at making hoods.

I’ve started working on something that was bugging me for a while, i really want to have a better array of hoods available at my shop. So this is what I’ve been doing today, or more accurately: what I’ve been failing at today.

It looks bad, the texture looks fine, but it sucks when worn. I must have done something wrong somewhere.

Anyway, I’m not sure this is going to be the thing I will release next, maybe i will work on other things too. But i thought that after a week of silence, I should at least tell what I’ve been up to.

Introducing paste.ethernia.net

Based on the awesome ZeroBin project, i hereby give you paste.ethernia.net a lightweight code/text pasting tool with a twist:

  • All the text is encrypted client side before it is uploaded, as a result, it is very discreet and very safe to use.
  • Burn after reading: Spy movie style “this message will self destruct after reading” feature.
  • Discussions: Either anonymously or with a throwaway name, the little icon near the name you picked will make sure that other readers know it’s you.
  • My only change so far is that i removed the ability to create pastes that last for a year or forever.

RELEASE! The KDC PonyPlay rubber bit.

Once again, I took all the time on earth but it was well worth it. As I explained before i ran into a nasty memory outage when doing the finishing touches on the script and had to move a bunch of things around to free enough memory.

This was well worth it, the reduction in memory usage will certainly be useful later.

This bit gag has all the features that the stuffed ballgag had, on top of it, has leverage straps that will appear to connect to the bridle, if you are wearing the PonyPlay bridle. It’s has 3 chain emitters, one that act as a double rein style and the two others are on the shank tips.

It is of course LockMeister compatible, come with a texture and coloring HUD with 64 high-resolution textures. It has a custom speech garbler that I painfully adapted to more closely match the “bit speech”.

Another great “feature” is that unlike a lot of my products, it’s pretty easy to adjust to your avatar, if you ignore the helper prims it’s basically 7 elements and nobody should have trouble (hopefully).

Click here to visit the KDC main store.

Click here to check this product on the SecondLife Marketplace.

Quick bridle update

There was a little bug that would make the HUD output debug information, I’m sorry about this.

Failed to release, but updates

I pushed a moderate update that covers most of the cuffs and collars with various bug fixes. I was about to release the PonyPlay rubber bit… and I ran out of memory in the core script.

So there is that to do tomorrow. Squeeze enough memory to get the bit to work reliably.

Sneak peek, the PonyPlay bit customisation HUD

I thought that I would post a little update, I got all the textures ready and should be able to release tomorrow or Wednesday!


Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

September 2024