Archive for the ‘shit happens’ Category

First time i actually had to replace the old server.

I really really need to finish the migration to the new one as that was two whole days of items not getting delivered at all. If it happened to you, IM me and I’ll give you your purchase.


I should have release the blindfold last week, but there is a little issue with some viewers where the effect get “stuck” if you try to remove the blindfold after changing region. I have tried for a few days to find some kind of workaround but nothing appears to work beside resetting it manually (viewer sun settings). I am torn because I can either wait for a viewer patch or just “ignore” it release anyway and put a note about it in the manual.

Decisions, decisions…

Dead Realm asylum due for teardown on friday.

On Friday the 13th of March 2015 i will send the Dead Realm asylum to its final resting place. I started this build around July 2008 with the help of Ishy for the floor plan. A hiatus of several years led us to a rebuild attempt in March 2011. Since then it has been sitting there. The only areas that where ever completed where the low and high security cells which remained pretty much the same through the existence of the building.

In retrospective I believe that I simply tried to do “too much” and gave up on all these room ideas that I wasn’t really interested in. The point of the building was the various cells and it should have been the main focus.

Click here to teleport!

If you are interested in backup copies of some of the rooms (do not ask me for the entire building) just IM me inworld and I’ll see what I can do.

Messed up the collar remote perms

If you bough the Classic shock collar/remote before 02/28/2015 at 3:13pm PST you might have noticed that the remotes where notransfer. IM me and I’ll send you a transferable replacement, sorry about that!

Grade A headache

My head hasn’t been mine for the past two days, and while I have things to do, I cannot do them right now with this pain.


The normal maps are massively overpowered, I’m preparing a fix that will bring it to the same level used by the collar and cuffs, sorry about that.

I forgot to pay my domain name again.

If you made a purchase the past two hours , it may not have been delivered. Just send me a PM and I will fix it for you.

Happy holidays to everyone!

I wish you all happy holidays/festivities/whatever

Also I would like to point out that since one of my domain names expired 6 days ago (and I forgot to renew it) I am currently not receiving emails. I’m sorry if anyone tried to get some support request through, I will take care of them as soon as this situation is resolved.


I’m sorry for the long silence, I didn’t have anything new to show really.

Tuesday was all about getting my new displays calibrated (it takes a couple of hours per display). Today, as I was assembling the textures I realised that there was overlaps that I could never fix so I had to scrap a bunch of the work to rearrange the UV clusters so they won’t be this tightly packed.

Which means I’m rendering textures, again.

On the flip side I added a few wooden materials for the heel spine, but I still need to recover this wasted time.

This is going to be a long night -_-.


There was a technical problem at the server farm, because of it, the KDC delivery and update servers went down for about two hours. If you tried to buy some KDC product and experienced failed deliveries today, please send me an IM in SL and I will deliver the missing products.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

May 2024