Archive for the ‘Public service announcements’ Category
Bake on mesh is live!
For those who do not know, bake-on-mesh is a hybrid solution to improve the flexibility of mesh bodies & garments through the original “system clothes” baking system.
It has some great potential for making mesh bodies much easier on the viewer by making “alpha cuts” and “clothing layers” obsolete.
This is a quick little video of little ol’ me experimenting with a composite skin on my M4 Venus head:
- Base skin.
- Lipstick (which can be tinted any color of the rainbow)
- Facial scar.
All being separate layers that get composed as a single unique texture before being applied to my mesh head.
Linden Lab has finally released this feature officially in their viewer, alternatively, several third-party viewers already have it in their source tree if you can compile the code yourself (this is not a simple task!).
Otherwise, just sit tight! It shouldn’t take too long before it becomes available for your favourite viewer!
Family issues.
I’m currently dealing with some unplanned family-related problems.
Come celebrate Kyrah’s 15th rez-day!
I am organizing a little party on the Dead Realm Hinamizawa pier (M) to celebrate my 15th rez-day, Saturday 06/08/2019 at 11am Second Life time (SLT)!
Launched a new Patreon page!
I know, I already have one for KyrahGame but it’s not really related to my Second Life activities. Not guaranteed it will stay since I’ve no clue how my kind of work goes with the Patreon rules.
So here is a proper one, if you want to help and support KDC’s future.
Lattice cage rewrite progress.
I’ve done more work on the Lattice cage rewrite. I’m changing the “one notecard for all settings” to the method I’ve been using recently based on notecards names rather than their content. I’ve also ditched the original “time unlock” that the lattice cage originally had and merged the function with the new TB time padlock system.
If config.max-locktime is non-zero, the cage will “rewrite” all locks asĀ time-release padlocks and override their delay if necessary.
If you have a moment, come visit the Dead Realm ground level! all snowed in for the season!
An open source scripter toy.
The KDC PowerTool is a simple script container/API I’ve been using for years for personal utility scripts.
Now everyone can use it. It even comes with a dumb licence.
Feel free to scream at me that the code is horrible, I rewrote it entirely saturday evening.
Dead Realm under the flood
The heavy summer rains have caused a dramatic elevation of the water level in Dead Realm, While most of the habitable areas have suffered minimal damage, the area surrounding the bay has been completely submerged.
Our experts have estimated that it will take at least a week for the excess water to drain. Please be careful until the situation resolves itself.
Update screen at the KDC shop
People have been asking me again and again if this or that version is the latest. But those times are over now. If you go to the KDC Main Store, there is now a live display near the elevator that contains all the products currently served by the new updater, and which version is currently being served.
Obviously you need media prims enabled to be able to see it. Alternatively I added a link in the site’s sidebar.
Large patch round on the way.
Someone kindly reported to me an issue with TB products losing their leash pulling ability on teleport. I spent a good chunk of monday figuring out what exactly was going on. As it turns out, this has been an issue since multi-chain was added, february of last year.
I’m surprised that no one else reported the issue before?
Anyway, there will be a lot of product updates in the next coming days as I deploy the patch, but it will take a little while to do all the affected items.
Everything is back to normal.
Now maybe, just maybe I can go back to doing more interesting things. Like those boots I started recently.
I’m pretty sure no one will have a problem with that right? š