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Collar LPM completed, unwrapping in progress!
As usual, this is taking longer than it should, but I am helplessly obsessed with getting everything nice and straight (when it comes to UVs :P)
But look how undistorted my checkerboard texture is 😀
Only a few pesky bits to finish straightening, only because I tried to be EXTRA ACCURATE… for some reason unknown to me…
Good progress on the collar low-poly
Well, “some” progress.
There is still a couple of holes I have to close, 1940 triangles so far.
Oh yeah I also discovered an annoying x-ray bug on Blender 2.90.0 which disappears when you delete/hide other instances of the same mesh. I had to work blind until I figured the solution, that’s always fun 😛
Leather material iterations
After several attempts I finally got the stitches and grommets just where I want them (featuring some node graph madness).
At this stage, it is pointless to continue tweaking materials without a low-polygon model to bake to. So that is my next step.
Making some good progress on detail masks
I think I’m “almost” done preparing those. I had to fix those pesky corners and in retrospective… (you can see a beforer/after) I should just have used a different UV projection there. Oh well.
I’m not entirely sure about it being on the tightest notch but it looks a little odd with so much strap left if i remove the last hole.
Collar material work underway
This will officially be the second “transition” with my 3D leather work, the first one was when I migrated from 3D studio Max to Blender, with blender 2.8x officially removing what used to be my rendering engine of choice (Blender:Render), it is way overdue for me to move my leatherwork to Blender:Cycles.
I’ve been using it a lot already with all the recent “metallic” products, but the big challenge is getting everything to look close enough to allow this collar to be used seamlessly with previous leather products. This is all preliminary obviously, as the actual texture rendering will more than likely look different from those pictures.
I included a few version, but the differences between each might not be entirely obvious (unless you look really hard?)
Buckles, straps, rivets, oh my.
Good progress on the new collar, I ended up ditching the weird “ribbing” from the liner and the trim on the strap (it made the strap look too narrow). I also added rivets and finished shaping the strap to accomodate for the D-rings and buckle.
New collar project
This is based on a real collar but I’m trying to push it towards something that would be suitable to complete the “Classic” set, still very work in progress.
Not a big fan of those padding creases… too many too regular.
The new nipple shackles are out!
I ended up making the “U” version (most voted) and the “V” version (second most voted) and I’m pretty happy that I did, I feel that the “V” adds a little bit of variety to what looks a little “too” uniform otherwise.
The scripting is basically, identical so it is really a question of style and nothing else. As with the nose shackle, I’ve included 3 sizes and “light” scripted versions.
As usual, you can get them from the KDC Main Store or from the SecondLife Marketplace (here and here).
Enjoy and stay hydrated!
In-progress in-world assembly
Thanks to everyone who voted!
I thought that I was finished with the code and assembly, but my head feels like a bowl of oatmeal so obviously I made a bunch of mistakes…
- Right side: U shackle in XL size with 3oz weight.
- Left side: V shackle in XS size with number plate.
Nipple shackle dilemma.
I had to widen the shackle gap to make it look right around a “standard” nipple (okay, whatever I had on hand really).
But I’m not really sure which version would be the best:
- A The V shaped shackle.
- B Straight shackle and wider 180° turn.
- C Straight shackle with a “two step” 180° turn.
I’m not sure that the polling plugin works anymore but I’ll try to add one anyway, feel free to vote for more than one option.
Which nipple shackle design should I use?
- B: Straight with a wide 180° turn. (52%, 23 Votes)
- A: V-shaped. (25%, 11 Votes)
- C. Straight with a "two step" 180° turn. (23%, 10 Votes)
Total Voters: 41

Yes, I know the poll results don’t show, it’s a bug, but votes are still recorded.