Archive for January, 2020
The maid caps are out!
And the script suffered from absolutely no feature creep all the way to the release 🙂
What’s in the box!
Each of the sets contains 3 hats, they are fully tintable, easy to resize & fit, nothing is rigged.
As a bonus, they are also scripted with a few silly functions:
- Holosign: Advertise that a maid is available for service.
- Notecard giver: Important to have your rules & service offered on hand.
- Bowing AO: Simply hold PageDown to drop into a cute bowing animation, release the key when you are done paying respect to your betters.
- Throwable: This is primarily if you want others to pick on you a bit, they can effectively take your hat and throw it away. Forcing you to be hat-less, or to go recover it.
As usual, you can get them from the KDC Main Store or from the SecondLife Marketplace.
A lil’ bit of code for the maid hats
Not much to “show” today, but I wrote a little companion script for the maid caps (I have issues releasing completely unscripted objects okay?). Just a few handy/fun maid related functions:
- A fancy holo-sign “ready to serve” kind of thing.
- A notecard giver (for your rules & services).
- The ability for other people (or yourself) to mess with your maid cap (throw & make it fall basically)
Nothing complicated and you can remove it if you just want the hats and nothing else
And another hat!
I’m almost done with all the styles I wanted to make, maybe one more?
More maid caps
I finished these two yesterday, the little trim is actually alpha masked and can be hidden if you don’t like it.
I distorted the surface on purpose to give it more of a “fabric” aspect.
Hello 2020, I’m back!
This was such a rough week… but I think I’m mostly cured now.
Now… back to work!
Happy new year everyone :)
My wishes of happiness go to you all of you out there ^_^