Archive for 2013
We have animations!
Some news on the chastity belt! I started working on the animations, I have a 3 “bound” animations for each wrist going to the side rings of the belt, I also made a variation of the one-legged stand that the cuffs initially had and I am also doing a crossed arms version for both the front and the back.
The hud is functional but needs a bit of polishing in the texture department. And you can see here a few examples of how the coloring looks like in metallic and pvc coated.
Back on the chastity belt
I’ve got all the “base” code working already, chaining, locking, RLV, hell I’m wearing the thing at the moment 😀
I even have the HUD with fancy color pickers almost ready, I still have to finish it and make all the animations I planned for the belt, but we are moving forward again!
KDC Nipple Rings update
This update was long overdue, the nipple rings had several annoying bugs and hadn’t been updated to the newest code base for a while, here is a complete change log of all the changes since the earlier version (and I most likely forgot a few).
Now that they are up to date, they should receive more regular updates when changes to the base system benefit them.
- Mirrored animations for cuffs ↔ piercings.
- Various memory optimizations done on timers and lists.
- Rings now glow fully on click.
- RLV Activator is now compiled in LSL mode to reduce its memory footprint.
- Descriptions from locks are capped to 30 characters max.
- Chains and animations now survive relogging.
- Updater use less memory and check for updates only once a day.
- Removed the point ID numbers in the double-click info panel.
- Created a special namespace for KDC/TB commands, less public LM chatter.
- Detection of unchainable point now work properly.
- RLV Unsit now only triggers when the avatar is out of range AND sitting.
KDC Ponyplay Bits update
And right before midnight, still on time 🙂
All the bits from the TouchBound ponyplay serie have been updated:
- General Touchbound system upgrade.
- Added an extra script to separate messages and menus in a dedicated “language” file (might end up with a translation system)
- Added the chain fix for the cuffs.
- Compiled the garbler in LSL to reduce its memory footprint.
KDC PonyPlay bridle update
And another general system update, for the bridle, like the others, strongly recommended.
Ankle cuffs update
This update concerns all the TouchBound ankle cuffs:
- Laminated ankle cuffs.
- Chrome lined ankle cuffs.
- ER chrome ankle cuffs.
Update content:
- Light primcount reduction.
- Cuff glow replaced by locking pin glow on the laminated series, no change on the sensing zones.
- General system updates (Memory optimization/chain fix/description text cap, etc…).
Enjoy 🙂
Wrist cuffs update.
This update concerns all the TouchBound wrist cuffs:
- Laminated wrist cuffs.
- Chrome lined cuffs.
- ER chrome cuffs.
Update content:
- Light primcount reduction.
- Cuff glow replaced by locking pin glow on the laminated series, no change on the sensing zones.
- Mirrored animations for cuffs ↔ ankle cuffs.
- General system updates (Memory optimization/chain fix/description text cap, etc…)
Enjoy 🙂
Clarification of the previous post
The reason there hasn’t been any progress on the chastity belt is that i was adding some improvements to the TouchBound base code to support it properly.
The belt is going to use 6 anchor points for a total of 8 sensing zones, that’s a lot more than what my other products have and I needed to make sure it would fit in the tiny memory left in the core script.
I also decided to do some standardization in how objects relate to each others. Before, you would generally have to click the wrist cuffs first because clicking the collar first would serve no animations (the collar had no animation support). This is now a thing of the past and I do intent to have the system work consistently regardless of the clicking order, excepted specific cases such as the collars back locks, which does NOT (yet) feature a locking ring (back locks only lock the object in place).
I also wrote a new synchronisation system in order to restart missing animations when the avatar is logged off/on.
I will roll updates for most of the current TB products in the coming days, and once this is done I will finish the chastity belt implementation.
KDC Chrome lined collar and KDC/ER collar update!
- Animations have been mirrored with the cuffs , now clicking collar > cuff offers the same options as cuff > collar.
- Various memory optimizations done on timers and lists.
- The RLV activator is now compiled in LSL mode to cut its memory usage.
- Adjusted the clicking prims to avoid click conflicts with other attachments.
- Descriptions from locks are capped to 30 characters max. (for memory reasons)
- Chains and animations now survive relogging. (finally!)
A full changelog is available on the documentation wiki.
Enjoy 🙂
Code update
I’ve done a bit of debugging on the TouchBound system, I believe that I managed to fix the bug that caused chains to lose their target on relogging. Thanks Darien for the little tip.
I will make a general update soon-ish once it is ready.
I’m pretty happy, this was an unexpected breakthrough.