Archive for 2006 mark two
Considering the quite weak frequentation of i guess that nobody really noticed the change, i just finished the migration to a new web host, ME, in fact rather than renting a shared webhost for a revolting amount, i am now renting a physical server in a collocation, it has a pretty good hardware and open the way to new interesting possibilities and challenges.
New power supply finally!
I finally received my new power supply which i am pretty satisfied with, but a few pictures talk better than a long discussion.
first it look nice in shiny black, also its built on an enormous fan that suck the air from the cpu and blow it outside, and it has a jillion of cables with a plugging system on the PSU and molex extractors so you don’r ruin your hard disk plugs with a stuck molex connector.
it has also a massive 750W power and massive 12V rails for future dual SLI configuration ^_^
“hey have spare L$ to give meh? LOLZ”
As you age slowly in sl and especially since LL opened the floodgates, you might stumble on a curious resident type that are desperately seeking ways to make money. Since the introduction of the 3 account levels system we have now these hordes gathered under the flag:
“no payment info on file”. Read the rest of this entry »
time is long out of sl
i can’t wait to be back, i am just waiting for hours to pass, ideas piling in my head
PSU totaled
Ouch , bad odor day, my main computer’s Power supply started smelling some kind of toasted circuitry
, suspicious i shut down my computer, and well, it isn’t starting up again.
I ordered a new PSU, but it will take a few days before it arrive so no need to wonder why i am not in SL ^_^
buggy rollin’ !!
following an armor system invented by a french, here is the first images of the torso for my own armor