Belt suspensions woo.

I’m gonna run a few final tests before I begin rolling this update out. In the meantime, here are some pictures.

One more animation left!

I’ve added a pair of static animations that force the avatar to bend forward and back if the collar is chained to front/back of the belt, it’s not much but it combine well with other bound poses.

So all that’s left is the belt back suspension pose really.

Hopefully I’ll be done tomorrow.

Belt HUD done.

I kept running in circle on those suspension animations, so I decided to focus my attention on the HUD today. The only thing remaining now is those dreaded animations…

Back to the belt itself.

I think the suspension code is probably bug free but I’ll be able to run more tests once I’m done with belt suspension.

I finished the two suspension animations for the lined chrome collar (don’t worry you will be able to turn that off if you don’t like the idea of neck suspension).

I also fixed a small bug in the main TouchBound code that I will roll out as an update at some point.

I made an extra set of poses for cuffing the wrists to the front of the belt and I’m doing some adjustments in the animation rules to make a few more points eligible for animations.

Next step is to tackle the belt suspension animations. All 4-5 of them…

Base of the suspension code is done.

I can’t really find bugs in it anymore. Tether points that are overhead are automatically detected as suspension rings and trigger the suspension animation aswell as the suspension code. I also modified basic tethers to have a “click and drag” mechanic to adjust the suspension height. It’s a little weird tho.

I have a really basic “neck” suspension I did for testing. It almost looks right, excepted when it doesn’t. Being a partial animation it kinda relies on your AO to look a bit lively…

Better animation required? Definitely.

Planning for tomorrow.

I’m done with modeling and texturing, I have the basic configuration in for the new belt. Tomorrow I will start experimenting on the suspension code. I have a rough idea on how to make it work, but there are a few unknowns…

Belt stuff

I spent like… half the day rendering textures at this point. I don’t have much to show but I still have this!

Early texture drafts on the new belt!

Today was a good day, a very productive day.

I finished the UVmap and started rendering a draft texture set to get everything setup properly.

While doing that I stumbled into a problem I’ve had at least half a dozen times before, but I always forget about it, something related to how I overlay materials on top of each other.

LPM belt more or less complete.

I’ve also briefly started the UVmapping and the belt shows some good potential for left/right texture recycling. I’ll keep the front/back part as their own unique parts but the side straps & padding can probably be mirrored (highlighted in red).

Flattening the UV to maximize texture usage is going to be the next tedious step. The rings and metal hardware already have their own texture maps so I don’t really need to worry about those.

Low polygon belt update.

I don’t have much to say, some progress was made, I’m trying to stick to the “style” of the original too.

I left the annoying areas for last.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

February 2025