Archive for the ‘shit happens’ Category

In one instant, something got very , very wrong…

Maybe some of you noticed but my blog, vendors, etc… stopped working for a comple of days. Today i’m going to tell you what exactly happened:

Sunday evening, June 13:

I Decided after a classic kernel upgrade that i had to reboot the ethernia server briefly, I warned everybody on voice chat, it was supposed to take only a minute or so.

What happened? I’m not entirely sure, somehow in the last 15 days i “broke” something in the system, or maybe it simply was a bad kernel config? To this day i don’t know and i probably will never know. Read the rest of this entry »

Taking control of a boat in a storm

Okay to peoples not interested into reading a few reflections about myself, you can skip this post right now.

I recovered my old forum  from 2006 and realised how … nice i used to be. It seems the past years got the better of me and i kinda drifted into being … plainly said, an unpleasant person. Maybe it’s the stress, the caffein, the loneliness… maybe it’s not anything but my own damn fault. It seems I’ve been feeding my dark side for a good while.

Recently it did bite me back in an unexpected way, i don’t think what i did was wrong, but i think i didn’t explain myself properly and what was my position in the debate … things kinda got out of hands and I took some collateral damages.

And the more you struggle, usually the deeper you go once peoples made their mind about you.

Anyway, since it’s nearly Christmas, and soon time for new year vows, I wish to become more tempered, I am not going to fool myself in thinking I can become a good person, wear a wimple be called Sister Nicey and say “god bless you” to peoples (atho i’m sure nun role-play can be very… exciting ^o^ ), I am who I am but I could probably put my talent to better use than attracting hate.

Soooo, lets see what next year will be made of ^_^ i hope it’s made of latex.

Long silence & security breach

Well well i hope i will manage to sleep tonight, the whole kdc vendor network bugged itself in the middle of the afternoon after some guy tried (and succeeded) executing his code on my server through a joomla exploit, wich allowed him to, I assume, escalate privileges to root on my dated kernel using, yet another exploit.

That’s the second breach in the same joomla installation in two weeks but this time it really gave me cold sweats.

The said installation is completely disabled now until it’s owner either patch the exploit or get away with joomla altogether.

Well if you wanted a reason not to use joomla -_-

Everything else is back, up and running…

… for now.

The difficults in relocating

Okay before anybody asks this post is solely about real life.

Sometimes i feel moving to a new place is made needlessly harder than it should be…
Yesterday, probably due to the roadwork that is going on around my city block every single days of the year, we had a power outage of a bout 20 minutes.
After the power cam back on i discovered with aprehention that my DSL modem stays stuck on an error code.

Read the rest of this entry »

Temporary vendor failure

I forgot to renew my domain name , wich tossed all the vendors in offline mode.

No panic i’m NOT leaving sl just yet.

DSL – Everything is back to normal

Just wanted to say that i’m back, and well, i need to decide what to do now…

DSL line problems

It seems my connection is acting up since a few days, i won’t log in SL or make anything new until it gets fixed.

I will post when the situation is resolved.

Scaling back

I don’t like that, i really don’t but i have to cut the losses, i’m Selling the land in livigno.

Patch day, no play

I just spent a little more than 12 hours on upgrading my dedicated server, apache changed configuration AGAIN so i used a lot of time just to understand what was wrong in my configuration.

Now everything seems back to normal.

Sad day for little France


Here is a little summary of the sapper work the government majority worked on during the last 5 years. Apparently for some peoples giving up citizen freedom to curb violence and terrorism is a fair trade. Sometimes i wonder why i am still part of this country. Today might be the first stone that will entomb the freedom of information on the French internet. A sad and dark day indeed.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

February 2025