Archive for the ‘Public service announcements’ Category

Portal Giveaway

I am giving away a copy of Portal 1 on SteamGifts, in 22 hours a winner will be picked randomly from the list of applicants. Feel free to try your chance, it’s free!

Lockmeister Version 2 specifications, now live!

I’ve been pushing this for “later” since january, but considering that I am now writing large code changes into the TouchBound system, I thought that I might as well get it over with.

What change from V1?

Not a lot really, V1 items will keep communicating as they always have, however a V2 furnitures will have extra commands to ask for the “exact” uuid of it’s target.

I updated the LSL wiki page with detailed explanations.


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The DeadRealm and Deviant road system

Since DeadRealm was joined to deviant, there was talk about extending the dead realm road system to it and eventually have a complete loop spanning across both sims.

I completed this task during the last weekend, including several hours of terraforming and texture lineup. There still is a lot of constructions “in the air” at the moment that will have to be placed down again, and a bunch of things needing textures, but the road loop is complete for anyone who want to take it for a spin.

A word of warning however, this is NOT a race track, it’s a two-way, two lane street and racing around with your average SL sport car can only end badly, the turns are fairly sharp, and even if there are some safety rails, you might end up diving in the bay!

I suggest either karting vehicles, or other small engine vehicles.

My new SL Female mesh is up for grab

I just finished my new SL avatar mesh (not based on Ruth this time). It is now all cleaned up, quadified (so it can be meshsmoothed) and all the UVs have been assembled on a single 2×2 layout so you can do renders in a single pass.

You are free to use it , it should import just fine, but to be sure you might want to check that the scene is setup in meters.


SecondLife Viewer 2 improvement

This is a little trick i found that changed my daily life using the Viewer 2.x for SecondLife.

They made this sort of tray bar where every popups dock after a few seconds, i kind of like this concept because then multiple IM windows do not take so much space, however what always drove me nuts was that if you didn’t interact with the popups (they are called “toaster popups by the way) they would auto dock into the corresponding “category”.

That made the thing extremely frustrating for me especially with objects permissions requests and dialog menus.

Thankfully, this is a thing of the past, here is how i solved this problem:

  • In Preferences -> Chat, uncheck both options in “Enable incoming chat popups” This will prevent group chat and Instant messages from creating toaster popups (they will still create a little “chat bubble” button in the tray bar)
  • hit CTRL + ALT + D (or CTRL + ALT  + SHIFT + D if it works for you) to reveal the Advanced/Develop toolbar buttons if you haven’t them active already.
  • In Advanced -> Show debug settings, lookup the value “NotificationToastLifeTime” and change it from it’s default (5 seconds) to an absurdely high number under 214748368.

What it does is that it stops IMs and chat to show popups, which usually are redundant since docked chat windows with new messages are marked with an orange bubble. And it also makes any other popup window remain (almost) permanently on screen until clicked, so you have all the time you want to accept this hug request or that other menu thing.

Kyrah’s little experiments with mesh prims on Secondlife beta

I wasn’t able to participate to the closed beta of the meshes, so i figured this would be the occasion for me to test what will probably be the biggest change in SecondLife history since the introduction of custom animations (yeap, THIS big)

Linden Labs aparently settled for the Collada format which is a good thing, it’s a widely supported format, flexible and easy to work with, altho i did have some trouble with 3dsmax2010,  it seems that the official Collada export plugin doesn’t export the texture coordinates properly, while the 3dsmax collada exporter doesn’t have such issues. (I would have expected the opposite frankly…)

I’ve been making a couple of nice furnitures for a side project and decided that they would be perfect quandidates for secondlife.

The “weight in prims” system is kind of weird as some of my objects are rated really low, while some others rate much higher, but that might be related to how i’ve setup the LOD.

The mesh viewer seems to have it’s own adaptive degradation tool to generate the lods for you, but i wouldn’t rely too much on it, especially for the physic mesh, whenever possible you should make your own physic mesh, hell for most objects, a couple of boxes usually do the trick.

Physics meshes created through the degradation of the Visible mesh are going to be glitchy in some cases, you can count on it, so take the extra 30 seconds to piece together a proper physic mesh, the less detailed, the better!

Also the sl mesh uploader consider ever part of a mesh as a separate object, so unless that’s what you want, you should probably merge all the parts before export.

SL Meshes also support Multi sub object Materials, which basically means you can setup your own “faces” like if it was a prim, but i think the limit is 6 or 8, or something.

Another interesting thing, a simple cube from 3D studio actually weight LESS prims that an SL cube, i know why but i thought it was funny, it’s actually more efficient to make everything in your mesh than to rely on external prims, a simple cube weight 0.3 prims for example.

I’m sure we will see peoples making “low primcount prim-like meshes”

But enough chit chat, a few screenshots!

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A linux incremental backup system using DAR

This is a pair of scripts i designed in order to create and restore easily incremental backups of a game server, they allow you to backup automatically a specific folder every 30 minutes every backup is labeled with date hour/minutes/seconds and the script flush every backups that are older than seven days (you can change that obviously)

The system uses incremental updates through the “dar” program, it creates a master backup file every mornings at 0:00 and creates incremental backups every 30 minutes. This means only what changed through the day is saved instead of having one full backup 48 times a day.

this script you should execute through a cron job:

#the folder we want to backup is /home/username/folder_to_backup


DAY=`date -I`
HOUR=`date +%H%M%S`

#this define the day date of the backups we want to delete
OLD=`date -I -d "-1weeks"`


if [ -f ${BACKUP_FOLDER}/${DAY}.1.dar ]
	echo "master backup exist, making incremental update."
	LASTSLICE=`ls -1cr ${BACKUP_FOLDER}/${DAY}*.dar |tail -1`
	echo "last slice is: ${LASTSLICE}"
	echo "creating daily master backup"
	echo "deleting 7 days old backup (${OLD})"

	#we remove the older backups, if we can

Example cron job to execute this script (dev/null is required because dar tend to be quite chatty):

*/30 * * * * /home/user/scripts/ >> /dev/null 2>&1

Restoring backups with dar is a little tedious because you have to restore every incremental backups one by one. This script will restore the master backup and every incremental backups up to the one you defined in the folder of your choice.


if [ -n "$3" ]; then
        if [ -f "$1" ]; then
                if [ -f "$2" ]; then

                        FILES=`ls -m1cr ${MASTER_DAR}*.dar`

                        echo "MASTER DAR FILE is: ${MASTER_DAR}"
                        echo "LAST BACKUP is: ${LAST_BACKUP}"
                        echo "File list: ${FILES}"

                        for file in ${FILES}; do
                                echo "Processing... ${file}"
                                dar -Ox ${file%%.*} -w -R "$FS_ROOT"
                                if [ "${file%%.*}" == "${LAST_BACKUP}" ]; then
                                        echo "This was our last file."
                        echo "All done."
                        echo "ERROR: this increment doesn't exist."
                echo "ERROR: this base dar doesn't exist."
   echo "Not enough parameters.

Usage: master_backup.1.dar last_incremental_backup.1.dar /my/destination/folder/"

Secondlife hair creators invent virtual hair lice?

Here is a little story about my experience with buying a “Maitreya Nimue” ( Created by Onyx LeShelle ) hair pack in SecondLife, which is one of the few specialized products that I believe i’m better off buying than attempting to build myself.

I made this cute little script a few weeks ago that show an animated hover text over your head when you are typing, so that, would you chose to disable the sound and typing animation, peoples can still know that you are typing something. Simple enough right?

Now when I buy hairs I like to get them MOD COPY, and I never buy nomod hairs, being a builder, I always end up tweaking this and that, add or remove parts of it.

Now to add a script to an attachment you have to rez it on your land and drop the script inside, which I tried to do. To my surprise, every time I tried the hairs would disappear. It didn’t take me very long to figure out it wasn’t the sim having a glitch but YET ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE PESKY “PROTECTION” SCRIPTS.

Turned out after editing the hairs on a noscript land (yeah , that’s all it takes to fool this “bullet proof” copy protection. That there was no script in the root prim, nor aparently in none of the hair prims. Yeah it was much more vicious, there was tiny little prims scattered here and there (3 to 5) inside the hair prims, and these where holding the pesky protection script.

Hello hair creators? I buy MOD creations from you that means I expect MODIFY RIGHTS, I had to spend 10 minutes on each color of the hair pack to basically DELOUSE each haircut!

Yes, delouse because what else can it be? it’s tiny, near invisible, and annoying as hell!

Now for the fun here is a little review of the thing:

Personal rating: 0/10 , Your stuff can look amazing and professional, as long as you try to pull bullshit like this, I won’t shop at your place anymore, there are plenty of honest hair designers to satisfy me, it doesn’t protect you, it doesn’t work, it only piss your legitimate customers. now support SSL

Because i truly believe that what we are doing on the Internet is no one’s business, whether we have something to hide or not, i support the use of SSL on as many websites as possible, so it’s only logical that i try to have a working ssl version of my blog.

So what is this SSL thing about?

For the non geeks amongst us, when you or i browse websites, every information i send and receive from said website travel in “plain text” format, which means that anyone that is relaying this piece of information from me to it’s destination, and vice verse can very easily see what websites i am looking at or what keywords i entered on google.

When you use an SSL website (if the URL starts with “https://” instead of “http://” the information are encrypted both ways between you and the website you are visiting.

That means that, yes your ISP may know that you are connecting to this, or that computer, they know you are probably visiting a website, but they cannot see what you are doing.

This is used by many online shops and online banking systems, usually everything involving sums of money is secured through SSL.

Why does it matter?

Because it shouldn’t be limited to this! Many governments are starting to complain about the rise in encrypted communications.

Saudi Arabia was about to ban Blackberry cellphones because they couldn’t easily access the encrypted information between Blackberry cellphones and RIM’s servers.

Google started a new beta service where you can connect to them and perform searches in https (  ), it doesn’t offer yet all the the common functions like image search but it’s already a nice step forward.

The bottom line is that as surveillance systems become faster and more efficient, it is vital in order to keep our freedom that we use the tools that are available today to protect ourselves. If SSL browsing (and encrypted communications in general) becomes more widespread it will make general surveillance nearly impossible.

How to block facebook, excepted on facebook.

This is a thing that really agravate me, the proliferation of “i like it” buttons and comment windows that ask me to log on facebook, or simply websites that use your facebook session to log you in.

So here is a cure, for those who use any ad blocker compatible with AdblockPlus rules (AdThwart on chrome) simply add the following custom rules:

||*.facebook.*^$|~ ||*$||| ||*$|||~fbc ||*$||| ||*$|||

Those rules will tell your navigator to block anything coming from facebook’s hosts, unless you are actually visiting facebook.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

January 2025