Archive for the ‘product updates’ Category
The stuffed ballgag is finally up to date
I just released a big patch for the stuffed ballgag, there isn’t many changes in term of useability, excepted that you can change the colors even if it’s locked now (That should help you Tia :p) and that it’s now running the latest code base, which means it will be updated with the rest, when I make general improvements to the system.
Quick patch
I just updated all the ankle cuffs and the elbow cuffs to the latest code revision.
RLV Activator update
The RLV activator was pretty much the oldest pieces of software in the TouchBound system and hadn’t been changed since the first release.
The “2.0” replacement now sit on the HUD and is designed to blend into the viewer3 interface.
It does the same RLV detection functions as the original with a big bonus: It doesn’t need to self lock like the old one used to.
As an added bonus, clicking the “TouchBound” button open a menu that allow you to quickly access the documentation wiki, but also to select a “presentation pose”.
Presentation poses are high priority full avatar animations that allow you to momentarily stop your avatar from moving to ease the clicking of attachments. The animations are simple, unobstructive and stop as soon as you try to move. The Activator HUD also allow you to drop-in your own animations.
I have several bug fixes to release for most of the TouchBound products, so the next updates will progressively include the new Activator HUD.
First draft of the LPM
The collar LPM got completed pretty quickly, there is an area that I’m slightly worried about (on the edge where the inner and outer materials meet) that might need further work, but other than that, it looks about right.
I optimized the straps, removed non visible faces and things like that, same for the ring anchor point. And added the mandatory KDC logo 🙂
Another sneaky little update
I shouldn’t have updated the wrist cuffs yesterday there was still some things missing, so here is ANOTHER update to the wrist cuffs.
Update for the chastity belt & ankle cuffs
I just released a patch for the chastity belt and all the ankle cuffs, it fix an animation naming error and adds a new kneeling animation! It also has some preliminary work for the thigh bands.
Documentation updated!
I just finished adding the new poses to the TouchBound documentation page for the wrist cuffs and elbow cuffs.
Wrist cuffs update
In preparation for the next release, (which is coming in the next few hours) i released a minor “support” patch for the TouchBound wrist cuffs:
- Laminated series.
- KDC/ER series.
- Chrome series.
It ‘might’ also contain some bug fixes, not entirely sure where i was on this front. Enjoy 🙂
KDC Revosuit appliers for Lolas! :: Tango
I suppose everyone guessed what i was making, so without further due (and right on time for Halloween?), I present you Lolas :: Tango appliers that match the KDC Revosuit latex catsuit 🙂
The pack has a total of 105 appliers, that’s 15 colors and 7 options to match the catsuit!
As usual, you can check it out in the KDC Main Shop or the SecondLife Marketplace. Enjoy, and have a happy Halloween!
Second gasmask patch
I waited long enough for this one, I was expecting another bug to come up, but it has been long enough.
I’ took a breather the past few weeks, it was too hot to do anything good anyway. I started a new project, but there isn’t much to show yet.