Archive for the ‘3D Stuffs’ Category

I’m gonna stick with that one.

Second attempt on the hood. This time, I’ve used a higher resolution texture and a non smoothed mesh. Also spent a while tweaking and tuning the eye openings and the mouth and I think it’s looking as .. good as it ever will.

It’s a bit mexican wrestler -ish I suppose, but I like the way the lines look, very smooth and aesthetically? It is pleasing me.

More work on the bridle bit #3

Another update, texture rendering is done, and the mesh parts are imported in SL. I have to admit it might be a little difficult to adjust that thing, mainly because of the lever straps. However it’s nothing like adjusting a full prim object, here you have several meshes:

  • The mouth piece.
  • The shanks.
  • The chin strap.
  • The neck strap.
  • The lever straps.

And all you have to do is to somewhat make them fit together. All the straps can be stretched in length and width with minimal deformation so that should be easy to work with.

And now, 3 more screenshots so you can see how it looks on me 😀

More work on the bridle bit #2

I worked quite a lot today:

  • Mesh finalized.
  • Unwrapping.
  • Bump maps done.

More work on the bridle bit.

Here, finally more work done!

I’ve redone the chin strap, made new buckles, removed the holes in the bit and the indents on the shanks.

Also a picture combined with the bridle, just to give an idea of what the final look should be like.

Bridle bit straps almost done.

After a few morning scares ( my modeling tool would crash upon rendering ) I rebuilt the lever strap (there was a restriction I completely forgot about yesterday) and the chin strap. Added some rivets here and there, buckles and this is where I am.

I’m not entirely sure about this “doubled up” strap style that I used for the chin and lever straps. I think it looks alright but i don’t know…

I think I’m gonna make a more “meaty” buckle for the thin straps, the regular one (scaled down) looks a little flimsy.

I’m going to let this one rest for today and see if I can collect some feedback and comments about it, but otherwise, it’s pretty much ready for texturing.

I might remove the holes in the rubber mouthpiece and the matching indentations in the shanks. As it is now, they are more an annoyance than anything and won’t be visible in the final version anyway.

Little peak on the bridle bit(s) part two

Today i made the rubber bit (pretty easy excepted I had to curve it just enough so the shanks would stay outside of the blinkers. I also did the neck strap and started on the lever strap, this one will appear and disappear automatically whether you are wearing the bridle or not.

I will also have a chin strap. This is so much work compared to regular prims, but the result makes all the difference!

For those wondering why a lot of my “in progress” mesh shots have a checkerboard texture on them, it is because I adjust the uvw map for a constant pixel density on the object and a checker texture is the most obvious way to test it.

Little peak on the bridle bit(s)

Just a little early screen, for those who are not familiar with it this is one of the shanks that goes around the mouth piece.

Another status update, and teaser!

The meshs are done and uploaded. The paws now have their final look, now come the slow and tedious task of preparing and uploading the textures, then will come scripting.

Here is a little something to satisfy the impatients 🙂

Status update on the beta grid

I thought I would post a picture to show a bit where  I’m at with the mesh paws.

  • The texture look a little blurry… maybe i will bump it up a little, but i haven’t added the shadowing yet.
  • I think I’m going to use plain prims for riveting otherwise it’s just using too many polygons on the mesh bits.
  • SL Beta says this is 33 prims.
  • I might end up using sculpts for the rings, if yes… that will make one really hybrid item, half mesh, half sculpt and half prim.

Low-res, texture test!

I finished the Unwrapping for the glove part and the buckle but there is a few things i still need to do on that one before i can get on with texturing.

Here is a little eye candy of the paw in secondlife with a temporary texture.

Texture wise, this is pretty much the final aspect, soo this is as good as it’s going to get, but I don’t think it’s looking bad at all 😀


Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

February 2025