Archive for June 10th, 2017

Linden Labs removed the KDC/Ai Armbinder from the Marketplace.

Despite contacting support I haven’t managed to obtain a reply as to why yet. To be clear, they haven’t just de-listed it, they deleted the product, which means that the reviews for it are gone too.

I’m going to wait for them to tell me what the problem is before trying to re-list it.

Considering that Linden Lab moderates the Marketplace solely through user reports, whoever you are, I hope you are proud of yourself.

In the meantime, it is still available from the in-world store if you want one.

Offline prisoner storage.

The kind of place you would store useless space clowns in.

This is basically my take on something I saw while visiting places around the grid, it’s an offline “prisoner containment” storage.

Long story short: you pick a slot, then have 30 seconds to log off. Then the storage close and it displays info about the person it “contains”.

My main addition is that it handles 8 storage from a single script, plus you can send messages to the person if they have IM to Email, and there is a small feeding simulation for no reason at all.

I don’t know if I want to sell this, I’ve really put this together quickly and it’s not really to my usual quality standard.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

June 2017