Archive for 2006
one more silly thing
This little project still took me two afternoon, well itsnot a simple clock, its a solar clock, the SL sun do not move in the sky at a constant speed, 3 hours of day for 1 hour of night, so the sl day last for a total of 4 real hours, on top of not exactly orbiting SL, it effectively move faster during the night. What my clock do is give the hour according to the sun position, so when the sun is at the zenit, it mark noon, and when the moon is high it mark midnight. So it makes it more like a relative clock as the hours move twice as fast during the night, and of course if it is placed in a private sim with sun frozen, the clock will stay frozen at the sun hour.
Read the full article to get the code ^_^ Read the rest of this entry »
cypress hill’s library
Akari started a very nice library for the cypress hill sim, with two levels and a quite detailed outside, can’t wait ’til she finish it
some more again
i just started the 3rd floor but i think i will let it for a bit, because the connection with the roof is a bit complicated -_-
some work on cypress hill
i started rebuilding my giant queen Anne house from scratch and fully by the numbers, to avoid the little gaps the old one had, this picture show the 2 floor on 3, and no, the doors won’t stay like that ^_^ .
Emma: victorian romance volume 1 to 5
i finished the 5 first SLBooks of a lovely manga called “Emma: victorian romance”
it is available for free at my main shop
you can click here to go in the main shop
the utility gag release
this fine piece of craftmanship is built around a drilled ballgag with an all purpose tube attachment, allowing to screw into it various tools and toys.
- plug: when the gag tube isn’t really used.
- broom: flexi enabled mini duster.
- shoe brush: shoe polish not included ^_^.
- ashtray: round regular ashtray with a thin smoke coming from it.
- funnel: white plastic funnel with an open close valve that drain the liquid in the funnel trough the gag, the liquid color can be changed to your tastes.
- cocktail bottle: pub style cocktail distributor, give drinks on click, deliver 3 different drinks.
- candles: upright and L shaped candle holder, emit light and flame particles
- all purpose plate: rubber topped modify it to make it hold whatever you wish