Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Apologies and a little sitrep
I’m sorry for the lack of update for the past week(s), I spent a lot of time on a personal non SL related project and I got a bit obsessed with it. I will share more information on it when I have something good to show.
Also I’m back working on the thighs cuffs and should have them out soon.
Elbow cuff flood
I just wanted to apologize to those who might have received constant elbow cuffs updates, I made a typo when setting the “current” version number for them, and as a result, the system was considering current cuffs to be outdated.
Little status update for the week
I haven’t done much when it comes to SL this week, but i was busy with various things: Turning my home server in an openCL calculator, fixing a wordpress update gone wrong, doing some “serious” paperwork on the game i would like to create. And a few other tidbits.
Coding on the weekend?
So yeah… apparently my weekend is so dull that I resort to work to spice it up. Just kidding, i usually love doing what i do.
It’s still work though.
I’m pretty much done with the base bit code, it now detect if the bridle is attached and automatically display the lever straps. This means the bit is effectively a standalone item, you don’t have the bridle, it’s not going to look funky.
I corrected a nasty bug in the touchbound base system which prevented objects to detect sensing points that cannot receive chains, so i will probably end up updating every products once this is done. It’s not a showstopper but it creates an undesired behavior.
For some reason, the bit shank mesh i uploaded was 2000 triangles and, as I discovered today, had an extra hidden “side”, i also completely forgot to optimize it. So i did just that, 900 triangles now and a single side. It also looks a little sharper.
All that remains to do is the customisation HUD, lots of (texture) uploading, and some tweaking to the garble code to make it more “bit” like, and less “ball” like.
More code
I managed to come up with a new way to drive the animation slowdown code that makes it pretty much butter smooth. I might add a “hopping” feature where you have to mash the movement key to hop around on top of simply “hobbled” walking types (those might not be in right when i release the update, depending how difficult the animations get).
I really want to get this stuff out soon and get back on working on the bridle.
So close…
More animations
A few more pictures for those who care following this blog, a few more animations remade, the wrist to nipple anims will allow more clearance for larger breasts.
Animation work and Direct Delivery
I finished transferring all my products to the direct delivery system. I’m not gonna comment much about it, lets say I’m getting tired of linden labs pushing new, generally unwanted features to the marketplace and leaving it up to the merchants to adapt. I had to convert 223 products and I’m sure there are merchants with 10 time this amount.
On the upside I’m pretty much done rebuilding the TouchBound core, the code appears to be fairly solid and Lockmeister V2 compatible, so I will start pushing out the updates very soon, once I’m done improving the base animations.
These will replace the old ones, i think they are generally less intrusive and look better, especially the “hands in back” one.
KDC made it to the SL Destination guide!
It turns out I finally made it to the Second Life destination guide, Now, KDC isn’t exactly in one of the major sections, considering i can’t access it from the viewer “Destination” page or from the login screen, but i guess it’s a start.
I Really doubt that they will give me a spot on the viewer’s first page anytime soon, but at least now they recognize that KDC exists, that’s a good thing right?
It’s time to vote!
I added a small voting plugin, so visitors can now tell me what they think that I should do next.
Back from USA
I just came back from a 2 week trip in the United States which started in New York city and then continued in Houston, I have seen many interesting things there and met with some of the greatest people I met in SL, lets just say we had a great time together.
Sadly, I couldn’t finish the pet mittens before leaving, it took longer than I expected. Even if there isn’t much left to do ,it’s still a lot of code to test and ship. I’m still jet lagged, the return trip took more than 18 hours between trains, metro and planes. I still need to deal with a few RL things. Once this is settled, I will get back into gear and make some more cool things.
See 🙂 not dead!