Archive for the ‘Random thoughts’ Category

summer is coming

It’s hot here, really hot, i wonder how i’m going to work in the next weeks. I am preparing a partnership with a friend in SL and i need to convert my vendor to something easier to administrate… this is going to take a little while i think.

For now i’m going to lay low in the shadow and wait for the colder hours to sleep.

I’m not gone!

I know I have hit an all time lowest point in my sl presence and creation, I just have a lot to do these days.

I’m going to get my status of independent creator which take some bunch of paper and getting some consulting.
Also i am working on a project for a client in SL, Annoyingly enough it seems i’m in a “code blocking” phase, doesn’t help to finish a job.
I’ve spent a few hours on Team Fortress 2 beta, wich kind of made me feel like 9 years younger in the first days of my online gaming. I luv this game 🙂

Lets resurrect the one wich is already dead since …

I’m talking about UltimaOnline in the clawed hands of Electronic Arts. In a way i am quite happy , because Uo is and will remain my favorite MMORPG. Well now EA is pulling out their most expensive investment in Uo: Kingdom reborn.

Apparently they revamped the client and the game arts to make it more appealing to the players.

Well maybe it will give a second wind to Uo, maybe not, that depend how badly they screw up i guess.

They will screw up anyway, it’s EA after all.

The big question i am wondering is wich of the different server emulators, POL, Run/SunUO , LOnewolf … will have the guts to redo the reverse engineering of the client… And basically stay head to head with the current and new Uo.

Time will tell…

The flying (not spagetti) monster

Tomorrow i am taking a plane for the first ime in 10 years and i am dead scared.

You think i am afraid to fly? you are wrong, dead wrong.

I am afraid of everything ELSE that is linked to this flight.

Lets see:

2pm :in theory i should leave home at this point

3pm : In theory again after one tramway and the airport bus i SHOULD be at the airport.

3pm to 5pm : I gave myself two hours to do the following:

  • Checkin in my luggage (weight 21kg when the flight is limited to 20kg so lets see if i will have to pay or if their scale suck as much as mine)
  • Taking my tickets (i got one of these weird “print me” tickets that i need to exchange when i arrive)
  • Going to the security screening (i am transporting a crapload of metallic things aswell as laptop and various other electronic things.
  • Find my plane (first time i set foot in this airport)

5.30pm : take off.

And no it isn’t finished…

6:35pm : landing to the transit airport

6:35 to 9.05pm: nothing nada niet, maybe count the steps of the airport stairs…

9.05 pm: another embarkment — take off

11:05 pm: landing to my final destination, several thing to do:

  • find luggage
  • find my friend and get the ffff away from this.
  • 3 hours of bus til being able to hit the ground.

Lets do the math:

  • time airborne : 1.05+ 2.30 = 3.35 hours.
  • total time: 9 hours.


And i can see like 10 points where it can simply fuckup with various levels of consequences.

virtual vs real, and why any regulation over internet is deemed to fail.

When we go surf on the net we have a link established between virtuality and reality, a real human use several interfaces to access a virtual space.

When a hacker is breaking into a system, he is doing so at light speed, trough optic fibers, remotely, sometimes tousand kilometers from the physical computer he attack. If the law of the real world want to counter attack him, it cannot be done at the same speed, and distance abstraction, since the virtual world cannot influence a human directly. So we have to run a hunt in the physical world. Problem, the physical world is nowhere near as fast and flexible. A hacker could literally hop from place to place without ever being caught.

“hey have spare L$ to give meh? LOLZ”

As you age slowly in sl and especially since LL opened the floodgates, you might stumble on a curious resident type that are desperately seeking ways to make money. Since the introduction of the 3 account levels system we have now these hordes gathered under the flag:
“no payment info on file”. Read the rest of this entry »

time is long out of sl

i can’t wait to be back, i am just waiting for hours to pass, ideas piling in my head

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

February 2025