Archive for the ‘product updates’ Category

BENTO update for all the Ponyplay bits!

What is new:

  • Bento head open-mouth animation compatibility.
  • The text garbler now outputs text with clickable names.
  • Fancy links in lock/unlock messages.
  • Further memory optimization.
  • Lock/Unlock notifications are now sent to the wearer too.

On a sidenote I also removed some clicker prims that weren’t that useful anymore and replaced the garbler/drool prim with a simple mesh to push the draw weight down a little. It isn’t much but every little bit helps.

Uh oh.

There was a slight error when I finalized the HUD and some of you might have some weird color names and no “tan” leather preset.

Just IM me and I’ll send you a fixed preset file.

New update for the chat conditioner!

I’ve added a new feature that has been asked several times. You can now add trigger words/phrases that can switch profile on the conditioner even when it is locked.

Now why would you use that? Well you could for example have:

  • A “muted” profile triggered by “shut up”.
  • An “unrestricted” profile allowing the wearer to talk triggered by “speak up”.

It is very flexible so I am curious what people will come up with.

Triggers can be activated by anyone in local chat range (it will not react to anyone or anything further than 20 meters away), and obviously, only other avatars can, not the wearer 🙂

Revosuit X update adds support for [Ai] High Feet

The Ai High Feet have just been released and are a wonderful add-on to the Avatar 2.0 Body that allows you to wear pretty much any Slink compatible footwear.

With the new update for the KDC Revosuit X, you can now wear your favourite avatar 2.0 latex catsuit and use your favourite pair of heel at the same time!

Simply wear your Revosuit X Coloring HUD to be prompted to update!

Enjoy 😀

Version 3 of the Warden is out, bug fixed

Hopefully this is the last major bug fix this time! Sorry about that!

KDC Warden Straitjacket update!

I’ll be brief on this one:

  • Added a configuration file to set the struggle mini-game text color because the color that I picked turned out to not work for everyone.
  • I made a workaround to avoid the alpha masking glitch that some users where having with some viewers.
  • The Struggling interruption isn’t based on location anymore because it was conflicting with hobble cuffs and other restraints like that, and since I cannot prevent them to work (the ones made by other creators at least), to interrupt someone struggling you have to bump them a little with your avatar instead.

Enjoy 🙂

New update for the KDC Chat Conditioner

Yes, again! It’s annoying, but what’s even more annoying is bugs in products!

  • Added: Word substitution filter.
  • Fixed: a conditioner activation bug.
  • The wearer impersonation now looks better and uses viewer URI to make the names clickable.
  • Added: “Cedille c” to the microscript filter.
  • Fixed: mute filter wouldn’t use the normal text impersonation method.
  • Removed one prim.

Chat conditioner update!

The chat conditioner has been updated with 3 new features:

  • Miniscript: When you believe that whispers aren’t quiet enough, this will reformat the wearer’s chat to use nearly unreadable minuscule letters.
  • Max word count: You can now limit the number of words per chat line.
  • Radio output: Failures to follow the imposed limits can now be directed to a radio channel, it will send a message understood by the KDC shock collar.

Face slapper hotfix

There was a little issue where the emote text would delay the slapping animation.

Get your V2 copy from the updater today!

KDC/Ai Armbinder update

  • FIXED: Animation issue: There was a small problem in the armbinder animation causing some unwanted sway when walking.
  • ADDED: Avatar names in text messages now use fancy clickable llurl based links.
Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

March 2025