Archive for the ‘products’ Category

TouchBound 2020 system update – part 5 (the end?)

Elbow cuffs and mittens! And this should be the END!

(The AI mittens will follow but I need more prep time for those)

Products updated

TouchBound 2020 system update – part 4

Ankle and Thigh cuff update! Thigh->ankle can now force a kneel, just like belt->ankle can.


Products updated

Sorry everyone again for those big update chunks…


MixMaster Update!

I know, it has been a while, this update brings a few minor fixes and quality of life improvements:

  • A fully scripted bartending handbook replacement with categories, navigation menu and recipe pinning that can be extended easily.
  • A new recipe card format, cross compatible between the MixMaster itself and the handbook.
  • Some leftover debug code in drink scripts has been removed.
  • A test item (that really shouldn’t have been there) was removed.

The new Bartending Handbook was much needed given how bugged and impractical the notecard version was.

The new version sorts all drinks alphabetically, by taste and by type to allow you to pick the drink you want quickly. The drink menu page summarize all the informations that used to be in the notecard version, and you can also temporarily pin a recipe as a hovertext. The notecard format is also identical with the new machine card format, so updating the handbook and the machine with custom drinks is a breeze.

TouchBound 2020 system update – part 3

Cuff update! But this time there is a tiny new thing. I called it the “Ballerina” pose. As usual, one or two arms are possible. Dancing with this looks exceptionally silly.


Products updated

TouchBound 2020 system update – part 2

There is going to be more part yes, but I’m going to wait for a couple weeks before I move on the next block.


  • Everything from TouchBound 2020 system update – part 1.
  • Dullahan Collar: Missing glow issue on the back chaining point.
  • Tasanee & Vermilion Collar: Lock scaling issue.
  • Fallen Princess: Shouldn’t be able to draw chains to bolt holes.
  • Strict Braced Collar: Neck pose support for Utilizator’s M3 & M4 heads.

Products updated

TouchBound 2020 system update – part 1

I tried to delay this one as much as possible, but here it is.


  • (ER & Lined Chrome Collar) Slight optimization of the click helpers (tube->cylinder & alpha masking).
  • Increased minimum radius to trigger suspensions: 1m -> 1.25m (1.5m was too big and looked unnatural)
  • Relaxed all animation permissions to copy&mod (yay?).
  • (Mostly the chastity belt) Fixed a potential menu error due to too long descriptions.
  • Suspension chains don’t slack anymore.
  • Faster, simpler, bullet proof, animation controller.
  • Added a documentation link on the double-click info box.
  • Added the straight & stooped poses to the front rings of the chastity belt (and the equivalent on collars).

Products updated

That’s all for today because I’m making more and more mistakes, which usually mean that I should stop.

Update for the Hired Help uniform!

Today I’m releasing an update to the Hired Help uniform that contains a bunch of long overdue fixes & improvements:

  • FIXED: Preserve tint color on metal parts.
  • FIXED: Prevents interaction conflict between the hidden lock and the bib.
  • CHANGED: More memory (code cleanup).
  • ADDED: Accessory support.
  • ADDED: Documentation link on the information box.
  • ADDED: RLV Alpha auto wearing.
  • ADDED: (optional) Sewn pockets feature -> no inventory when locked.
  • ADDED: (optional) Body slice hiding for Utilizator’s Avatar 2.0.
  • ADDED: BoM Alpha mask for Utilizator’s Avatar 2.0.

Oh, and in addition, it is 30% Off ~


Only a few hours left for the Halloween specials!

Once the 15th rolls out, it is all going away for another year 😀

On the Marketplace and also in-world at the KDC Main Store.

(Note that this doesn’t affect Patreon Rewards)

The Avara Hood “Ghoul” addon is out!

Suprise release!

Right on time for Halloween parties! Little evil imps like me can go party in style this year ^_^

As last year, the other specials are available again for a limited time, and will disappear into the night once again in a month!

As usual, you can find those at the KDC Main Store (10% off!), or on my Second Life Marketplace, and if you are one of my Patreon supporters, these items are yours!

Happy Halloween and enjoy!

The Classic Leather Collar is out!

And right on time before I start to feel the pressure for a halloween project too!

It has all the standard features you expect from a TouchBound collar, RLV locking, chains, suspension, etc…

It’s an intermediary step between my posture collars and thinner models, such as the pet collar, or the shock collar, still fairly comfortable looking but definitely “controlled”.

It comes with a texture HUD (standard 8 leather + 8 stitching + backing & padding) and configurable studs (like the pet collar and tassanee).

As usual, you can find it at the KDC Main Store (cheaper too!), or on the SecondLife Marketplace. Enjoy! 🙂

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

January 2025