Archive for the ‘products’ Category
Second gasmask patch
I waited long enough for this one, I was expecting another bug to come up, but it has been long enough.
I’ took a breather the past few weeks, it was too hot to do anything good anyway. I started a new project, but there isn’t much to show yet.
And this is our first gasmask bugfix.
Two bugs fixed on this one, the first one is mine, improper colors on some of the HUD buttons.
The second one we have to thank linden labs for! apparently you cannot change the shape of a prim with a script placed inside of a mesh, SL thinks you are trying to change the shape of the mesh, and silently discards it. Instead of… you know, checking which object you are actually trying to change.
So I made a new root prim to the mask, fixed the lock scaling and updated the code that set the mask textures and it’s all good now, I hope.
You should receive the update sometime during the next 24 hours, enjoy 🙂
EDIT: I actually updated the sl wiki with the issue, feel free to make a jira, I’m not touching it anymore.
HUD sneak peek
I spent the past 10 days coding the gas mask, uploading textures, making sound effects… all those things i still have to do before release. If everything goes well, I should be able to do the release this weekend, or even today; who knows.
I now have a functional HUD, it is based on the format I’ve been using on most of my products and will allow to customize the following elements:
- The main body (face and straps).
- The plastic elements (filter mount, strap clips, exhaust valve).
- The filter.
- Tinting the glass.
- Enabling/Disabling the breathing sounds as well as adjusting it’s volume.
I’m not going to offer “one way mirror” glass for the lenses at this time, you are free to do it yourself should you want to, since the mask will be fully modifiable. The reason for this is that I want to set advanced material settings on the mask and there isn’t, a way to set and reset specularity parameters using a script, shiny has been packed into the specularity material parameters so I cannot set it without risking to overwrite the settings.
For this same reason there will be a “matte” version and a “glossy/latex” version for you to choose from.
Filter and textures done.
All the textures are done, now all that is left is scripting.
And here are the obligatory pictures 🙂
Where are we at?
I’m finally done with the textures, everything has been rendered, I have working normal maps, I accented the mask by adding a metal finish to the sort of metal … strips that are used to hold it together. It has all my standard colors, in latex-like polish and in matte rubber, plus a “military” olive rubber.
What next:
- Finishing up the filter and texturing it.
- Making sounds.
- Making scripts.
It’s getting there, I’ve worked on it on it everyday this week, good progress. It’s still feels excruciatingly slow ( Nearly a month on this project ) but that’s as fast as it will go :/
I have more pictures!
I spent two entire days fighting with bad normal maps and texture UVs, I must have packed the gas mask’s textures in a different configuration at least a dozen times over the past couple of days. I THINK this is the final iteration and the texture space should be used much more efficiently.
So yeah, I do have normal maps that work, somewhat, I also have my ambient occlusion maps done and started looking around for proper materials fit for a gas mask ( beyond the obvious latex). I kinda like the army style “olive” color.
Closeup on the filter port filet, just because it’s a nice texture detail 🙂
The wasp gasmask part #5: more LPM
Yeah i know… “Is it done yet?”, not quite.
But hey I have a prototype in sl!
Okay… No textures yet, which means it looks a bit like ass, but hey, it’s unwrapped , so there is that.
Small update for the knee-high pony boots
I corrected a little bug that allowed anyone to open the KDC Knee-high Pony Boots configuration menu, excepted it would only show for the wearer, could be used in mildly annoying ways.
It’s on the auto update so you should probably get it in the following hours.
I also wrote a proper “manual” for the boots, it’s not complete yet but it should get you started if you where looking for instructions.
The wasp gasmask part #4: LPM
Today was fairly productive, I merged the straps with the “head harness”, enlarged the rubber seal around the head (hopefully it will make fitting easier in world) , made a strapless version of the mask (for Winter) and did a lot of work on the LPM (Low polygon model).