Working on a Vergilius cuff set for VRChat

I need a new collar for the Valentine dance so I’m making a Vergilius cuff set for VRChat!

I ended up modeling a simple padlock for it today because I don’t have any that isn’t built as a sculpted prim for the TouchBound system. I managed to cram them in the free space of the metal texture UV but they are pretty low-resolution all things considered. Since this version is for VRChat I’ve put it together into a custom skeletal rig that uses ModularAvatar for ease of installation and low object/material count (1 mesh for the entire set and 2 materials).

It’s a bit on the heavy side with 40Ktris for the entire set (collar + 4 sets of cuffs), but I’ll include a more “stripped down” version where the inner side of the straps has been removed, and a couple variants for convenience (collar only, wrists only, etc…)

Once this is sorted I’ll return to the “skin suit” project!

The last 3 hours have been absolute hell as I ended up locked out of the site! I assumed the worst and was ready to purge the entire subdomain… But it turned out that it was a misbehaving outdated plugin.

The feeling of the intense stress coming down was almost… orgasmic.

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Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

February 2025