Archive for the ‘shit happens’ Category


I should make the yearly “post-Christmas sickness” a scheduled task or something because it happens with clock-like predictability.

I’m not dying, at least I don’t think I am, don’t worry. I’ve been taking my meds and resting the last couple of days.

Setbacks on the bikini project

And here I thought I was being productive 😀 Turns out I’m having a few problems with the bikini project >_<

I was doing some test weight painting yesterday and after a couple of mismatched test uploads, it dawned on me that I made two huge rookie mistakes:

  • I decided to use a custom shape rather than the stock shape for my reference which causes alignment/proportion errors in-world.
  • My straps all go through a part of the leg that is designed to collapse on itself when the legs are spread, it is literally not possible for me to weight paint something to stay “above” the body in this location.

I thought about lattice-ing the mesh back in place but it wouldn’t solve the strap placement issue so I decided to try my best at re-creating it all. Not really from scratch, but close.

A few “before & after” pictures, I know it doesn’t look like much changed besides the lighting, but the straps ride quite a bit higher. I did manage to reuse the crease work that I did, I haven’t decided if I want to redo those yet.

This is going to take a little while…

I feel pretty stupid about it, it is such a waste of time and I should know better right?

Recovering from that second shot.

I got my second shot of Moderna vaccine yesterday and it did make quite an impression 😀

On today’s menu: mostly resting and hydration.

I guess working out is off the table at least today given that my back feels like I’ve been run over by a train repeatedly.

I complain a lot but this is nothing that some R&R cannot cure, but I do feel sorry for those that have to go to work the next day.

TouchBound wrist cuffs hotfix!

This one is on me again, I made a mistake during last round of update and forgot to package two left wrist cuff animations (left cuff to collar left/right ring).

So unfortunately, it is update time again, wrist cuff hotfix time:

Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience.


KDC Paw Mittens V16 update!

I am so sorry for releasing another update this quickly but when I removed the chain slack on suspensions I didn’t do it right and as a result, it would create taut chains when it shouldn’t.

This isn’t a critical update, but I still recommend it.

I should be working

I’ve tried to rest my wrists since last friday, I suspect I might have strained them a little too much.

Good but not good enough

I don’t really have enough progress to show for today, I’ll post pictures tomorrow.

As usual, I’m sick

Sometimes I wonder if I should ask for a different day to visit my family for Christmas, because I always end up catching whatever the kids dragged in that year.

It’s not too bad at the moment so I’m hoping it will resolve itself in a couple of days.

Hopefully before 2020 rolls in -_-.

Back from a really bad server failure.

Those past two days have been absolute hell, (and are far from over).

Long story short, I lost my server box and I have been scrambling to restore my (horrible) backups on a new machine. I have a “minimal” setup working, and all the KDC related things such as updater & in-world delivery,… should be working properly now.

But please, do message me if you notice a problem.

I’m somewhat better… I think.

The past few days weren’t exactly pleasant, but I think I should be well enough at this point.

I’m still coughing a bit and my head isn’t “quite” where it should be, we shall see.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

March 2025