Archive for the ‘products’ Category

Padlocks version 3 is out.

What’s new?

Version 3 brings all the padlocks that had not been updated to the latest version of the code it is all backward compatible, no critical bugs have been fixed (or found) and a few improvements have been added:

  • Locked activation is now available on all locks that did not previously have it (manual).
  • A minor hovertext sticking issue has been fixed.
  • All locks now have a “public” configuration flag, default to off (manual).
  • When first attached, locks will default to the HUD, and should be properly oriented.
  • The heavy-duty padlock mesh has been updated with better LOD models and a few visual tweaks.

Lock API

All lock & key objects now respond to a couple of link_message commands, to make the life of 3rd party scripters easier:

  • SetScriptState – Puts the script in a “locked” mode, the lock will disable itself and ignore all interactions, (useful if you want to put the lock inside a cabinet and prevent clicking it when the cabinet is closed)
  • SetLockTime (time release locks only) – allows a 3rd party script to set the time of the lock, will also update the LCD display.

Check the relevant wiki pages for more informations.

Shoin Highschool uniform – BoM update

I just updated the KDC Shoin Highschool uniform with a set of alpha masks that are compatible with Avatar 2.0 when used with the “Bake on Mesh” textures.

The package also includes unscripted versions of the regulation uniforms. (if you are using the BoM alphas you probably won’t use the slice hiding script anyway)


Use the  Marketplace re-delivery to get your update, if you purchased the uniform from the Main Store, drop me an IM and I’ll send you the update as soon as I can!


New patron reward!

I’ve added a new reward for my Patreon subscribers!

Extra materials that match the earlier collar reward with the new cuffs!

Enjoy 🙂

Avara Hood update

Another update!

  • Default mouth poses are now detected when using Utilizator’s M4 Venus head (M4V preset only).
  • Separate auto-attach folders for the M4V and M3VS presets.
  • I added clearer RLV blinding status in the infobox.
  • Blinding status is also in the styling menu now.
  • Same as the blindfold, textures are hidden in RLVa mode and the pixelation bug is fixed.
  • There is now a config flag to suppress style change notifications.
  • There was a packaging bug with the M3VS preset that prevented locking it, this is now fixed.

Enjoy 🙂

Classic Leather Blindfold update

Small update with a couple of improvements and fixes:

  • Added a link to the documentation wiki on the infobox.
  • Added more details on the currently active RLV blinding on the infobox.
  • Textures are now hidden in RLVa mode (I initially disabled this because media prims and this function triggered a crash on Firestorm, but it appears to be fixed now).
  • Pixelation now de-activates properly when the blindfold is detached.
  • Changed a few text elements to be cleaner & more consistent.

It is now live on the auto-updater!

The Meat Market Cuffs are out!

And here we go, companion pieces for your Meat Market Collar. And probably some unwanted “fictional workout” in a near future if you’re wearing all this steel… but maybe that’s what you secretly want?

As with the collar, they have locking animations, support all padlock types & accessories, and they come with a “universal” HUD, that will re-texture wrist, ankles, and collar, all at the same time.

You can also configure the decorative metal hoops on the sides of each cuff independently, to reduce the bulk, or make a kind of “asymmetric” look.

As usual, you can them at the KDC Main Store (It’s also ~10% off there) and on the SecondLife Marketplace.

Enjoy! 😀

Hotfix – Meat market collar

I just corrected a semi-serious bug on the KDC Meat Market Collar, where the main lock point would get stuck if locked with a time-release padlock.

I just pushed an updated version on the updater, and you should be notified shortly.

The maid caps are out!

And the script suffered from absolutely no feature creep all the way to the release 🙂

What’s in the box!

Each of the sets contains 3 hats, they are fully tintable, easy to resize & fit, nothing is rigged.

As a bonus, they are also scripted with a few silly functions:

  • Holosign: Advertise that a maid is available for service.
  • Notecard giver: Important to have your rules & service offered on hand.
  • Bowing AO: Simply hold PageDown to drop into a cute bowing animation, release the key when you are done paying respect to your betters.
  • Throwable: This is primarily if you want others to pick on you a bit, they can effectively take your hat and throw it away. Forcing you to be hat-less, or to go recover it.

As usual, you can get them from the KDC Main Store or from the SecondLife Marketplace.



New patron reward

This is still a bit of an experiment, but I’ve added a reward for my Patreon subscribers: A few extra material for the KDC Meat Market collar.

Enjoy 🙂

The Meat Market Collar is out!

They called it the “Meat Market” said the old fisherman…

As we inspected the premises, the thick and moist smell of mold and corroded metal was overpowering. A rotten wooden platform with a circle of stockades was marking the center of the room. The walls were lined with barred alcoves. Slave collars were scattered in every corner, covered in grime and flaking paint.

Clearly the original owner did not tell us the whole story about the “cheap warehouse” we just acquired…

Those collars look and feel absolutely massive, it is safe to assume that comfort and sizing where not part of the design requirements.

Sounds like a great product to add to the KDC line!

Quick feature breakdown:

  • Supports (almost) all TouchBound tools & accessories (regular locks, time release, allen keys, heavy, accessories).
  • Lock/unlock animations, in the same style as the Fallen Princess collar.
  • Comes in 8 colors and 3 “styles”, from “slightly worn out” to “you should really have painted that”.
  • (Probably) bug free!

There is also a few quality of life improvements with the removable shackle click override which I need to add to the Fallen Princess too.

And yes, there will be matching “Meat Market cuffs”, that’s a solid yes, but I need a little break…

As usual, you can find it at the KDC Main Store and on the Second Life Marketplace.

Enjoy! 🙂

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

January 2025