Archive for the ‘2D Stuffs’ Category

Vergilius thigh cuff liner

After bouncing various ideas for the Vergilius thigh cuffs to who cared to listen I ended up conceding to the idea of putting a backing piece.

I had to add a few extra rivets to have some visual fastener between the straps and the liner, but otherwise, I think this is a reasonable match for the rest of the Vergilius set. It does cover the grommet holes, unfortunately.

The shaping around the legs might actually be better for fitting compared to previous sets (I hope). But feel free to tell me that I’m wrong and why ^_^.


Nasty stunprod bruises…

I think I’ve got something good going on with those nasty stunprod bruises… I’ve done my best to keep them relatively simple and stylized…

They kind of look like bug bites or a weird rash or a star map sometimes…

That’s what my references looked like and so, that’s what I went for. It looks completely overkill with the maximum 8 marks per body part, but it is there as a supported maximum… not as an invitation to fill it entirely.

This might even take a while given that the prod typically can only strike about 3 to 5 times before recharge kicks in.

I wonder if those pictures will be okay for Patreon.

Promising first modeling draft!

A promising first modeling draft… and also more reference/sketches.

I realized that I hadn’t tried to put long sleeves on it, I’m very fond of the loose cuff variant, it looks very cute and comfortable. The closed cuff variant is more “formal” I suppose, if you can consider latex formal.

I haven’t made this “type” of model in a really long time, and that’s one of the reasons why I’ve been procrastinating so much about it. There is nothing I hate more than trying to get something right, over and over, only to end up trashing it all up because I’m not satisfied.

But this? So far I’m pretty satisfied.

The next step is either going to be the short sleeves, or starting on the waist & the corset that goes there.

I added a picture of the back, but there isn’t much going on there. Maybe that’s something I should fix at some point.

New latex maid project on the way!

I wish I had something better to show for the new latex maid project, but this is all I have done since Monday: iterating on simple “sketch” references.

It is loosely based on the latex creations from “Studio C2“, which I am linking here to make it easier to understand what I am actually aiming to produce.

I have a lot of ideas as far as options I want to incorporate, and I really am not sure that I can do it all:

  • Corset at the waist, to add more details and slim the waist like I did on the Regina suit.
  • Removable dress collar (to accommodate for posture collars and other options).
  • Zip front design with an open-able “slit” at chest level.
  • Ability to also zip open the skirt in front (and maybe the back too?).
  • Short & long sleeve option. (earlier sketches have oversized sleeves, that’s a mistake not intentional)
  • BDSM-style ring & “tie” to gently pull the wearer around.
  • Removable tea apron (possibly a full apron option too).
  • Box pleats… lots.

Ambitious… and that’s probably why I’m dragging my feet instead of getting straight into the modeling…

Quick pig hood picture dump!

I started working a bit late today and had some progress from last week that I did not have the time to post so here is a larger than usual pig hood picture dump before midnight 😛

I had a cool idea of normal mapping a sort of facemask on the covered area, with a center spine and a few creases, I might have to tweak the creases a bit to get them to look better, and also decide whether to use a single or double spine, they are both nice, but the single spine create some odd shading due to the sharper left/right divide it creates on a mesh that really is just flat.

Still tempted to use “almond” eyes on the closed version to make it more feline-like (that would make it a pig/cat pack I suppose), I COULD add both versions, but I already have a ton to make…

Give me your thoughts!

Hood progress #2

Here is another hood progress update! There was another delay.

I’ve finished the geometry for good! Now comes the painful, task of combining all the textures into one he-he. I don’t remember how I dealt with ambient occlusion errors on the Malefica hood, but I made it on a previous Blender version and things have changed a bit since.

The second image is to help me draw some of the masking areas I need, but also to add some burned in details in the base texture, still working on that. It will be really subtle tho.

I wasn’t entirely sure about those connector “points” on the temples, but they don’t look too bad crunched down into a normal map. It fill the space.

You can also see the new forehead piece, it has some “vent” looking things too.

Prison Uniform HUD done.

Prison Uniform HUD done this time… I think.

I’ve also re-uploaded and re-assembled all the final versions of the 3D models yesterday. As you can see, that is quite a few parts. So here is the question:

I still would like to include a few versions that are “all in one” to save on attachment slots and script count, but I can’t think of a way that doesn’t require me to add a TON more variants in the delivery folder (“all in one” variants that cover every possibility would be something like 40 pieces, and that’s just ridiculous).

So it’s going to be separate top/bottom versions for the regulation version, unless someone has suggestions, requests for a prison/facility they are running.

Likewise, I’m not sure how to properly set up demos for this.

Textures and LOD models complete

I’ve just finished cleaning up and uploading the final models & textures. I was going to use a custom specular map, but it doesn’t appear to add much to the overall look, so we’ll do without and save 2Mb of textures.

I still have the feeling that I’ve gone overkill on textures with this (1024×512), since most of the detailing immediately disappears unless your eyes are glued to the model.

In my eyes, it looks acceptable… now I need to get on with the scripting.

Narrow cell floor, finishing touches

I’ve put some finishing touches to the narrow cell floor with a sort of “aged/security”  variant with Japanese markings (do not enter). Maybe a little “in your face” I guess. Almost everything is ready for release, hopefully, tomorrow if I can come up with a decent product picture.

Delayed texture update!

Sorry for the delayed texture update. It took me so long because I ended up unwrapping everything 3 or 4 times over the past 3 days. I kept getting distortions in my UV maps.

I am quite happy with this result so far, the grommets on the back strap need to be tightened a little but that’s an easy fix.

I really wanted to add a nose hook… I can probably still do it, but that will require some modification of the forehead strap… Unless I find a simpler way to do it…

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

February 2025