The KDC Personal Alarms are now released!
The picture on the vendor is actually a little wider (and contains more text) but square images work better here 😛
Those annoying little alarms are now released, under a “pay what you want” system! It’s all explained on the vendor at the store, but because it’s a little weird and not really compatible with the SecondLife Marketplace (I’m open for suggestions however).
There is 4 alarm shapes total, they all have a unique (and annoying) siren, are material enabled and fully tint friendly. I also added a “signal light” feature so you can turn the LED(s) on and off by clicking and holding the mouse down for 3 seconds.
I do realize this is very “off beat” compared to my usual products, but it’s still a cute little accessory and cuteness is important 😛
Only from the KDC Main Store.