Code, flavor and glitches
I’ve spent an absurd amount of time detailing the glass code:
- Custom animations, including bento finger poses.
- Manual vs automatic drinking.
- Named drinks have special flavors and descriptions.
- “Custom” drinks have more generic flavors that depend of their composition.
- Drinks have a set number of “sips” before the glass goes empty.
I also encountered a rather nasty rendering issue while making the final model for the highball glass. I can’t really fix it so I kinda “worked around it” by using less transparent glass. It’s not perfect but it’s not too visible.
So that’s a total of 4 recipes that are more or less “final” (unless I add some particle effects):
- Glass of Nothing.
- Marsblast.
- Blue Fairy.
- Custom Drink (I still need to fix the color generation there)