More cage features.
Alright, I have to admit there is a lot more to do than I thought (wasn’t this cage supposed to be a “small” project?). Here is a little breakdown of what’s done (in green) and what’s left to do (in red):
- TouchBound Locking.
- RLV Relay support to restrict touch distance, tp, cage editing and prevent sit teleport.
- RLV Tracking/teleport of cage occupants on relog.
- Notecard configuration.
- Option to open doors automatically on unlock.
- Option to restrict locking by users and by group.
- Option to have the doors self unlock after a fixed time.
- Sitting with adjustable Z position.
- Custom sound effects for opening/closing/rattling.
- Sitting animations.
- Multiple chaining points inside the cage.
- Texture configuration.
- Final textures.
- Multi tether code for all TB items.