NameTag world in progress
I decided to start working on a small project this week which is proving to be surprisingly difficult. It doesn’t look like much but there is a lot of math and code involved to get all the letter spaces right and the text centered. It work but is limited to 8 characters (the greatest amount of faces you can have on a single text mesh). Now come the difficult part, my goal is to be able to use up to 32 characters on a single line. It’s a little overkill, but that’s the maximum length for the name of an avatar. That mean that I need to figure out how to lay my text across 4 of those textmeshs and place them automatically to make a single, seamless line of text.
I also want the text to auto scale based on its total length and have two lines. The face of the plate has a very nice normal mapp “frosted” effect. The face and the trim can even be tinted independently.
It’s deceptively simple, right? 🙂